Rules for thee…
Wait, where are the “hur dur both sides is bullshit” people?
They’re here. They’re saying " fuck it, nothing matters anymore".
With criminal Trump, having as he does zero respect for laws and legal norms, taking over the DOJ, and literally saying he is going to incarcerate his political enemies, it would be a national security risk for the former president’s family to be in federal custody or facing serious federal charges.
I agree. Since Biden believes that Trump is a fascist, and he didn’t do this for purely selfish reasons, I expect him to also issue a blanket pardon for all undocumented immigrants as he is granted the power two do under Article II, Section 2 of the US Constitution. Otherwise, I’ll have choice but to believe that he is a corruot individual who is actually just saving his son from legal consequences of matters already resolved in court.
“Weiss is a COWARD, a smaller version of Bill Barr, who never had the courage to do what everyone knows should have been done,” the former president wrote of U.S. Attorney David Weiss. “He gave out a traffic ticket instead of a death sentence. Because of the two Democrat Senators in Delaware, they got to choose and/or approve him. Maybe the judge presiding will have the courage and intellect to break up this cesspool of crime. The collusion and corruption is beyond description. TWO TIERS OF JUSTICE!”
Democrats aren’t exactly being a role model right now, but a lot of them are probably covering the asses of their own since Republicans are so blind by fascistic rage that they’re going to put a lot of innocent heads on pikes.
This thread reads like a satire of how Democrats are happy to sink lower and lower while using the GOP as an excuse.
Yeah. I’m willing to say when I see my far-preferred party doing something I consider unethical, but I also recognize their game theory and why the current circumstances would lead them to make myopic decisions in the interest of short-term survival and at the cost of long-term reputation and public perception.
What all they gonna talk about?!
All the federal judicial seats Biden is about to leave open for trump?
Too bad they don’t sink lower when prosecuting trump for insurrection.
That would actually be going higher.
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Why do so many Biden supporter use the same slurs as trump supporters?
I’m legitimately asking because it’s frighteningly common. And for some reason ever since 2016 the neoliberals all have supporters who act like Trump’s.
THAT’S what you object to in their comment? You’re part of the problem.
I don’t think this will work, but I’ll give it a shot.
Say someone says crack should be mandatory, pants are outlawed, and birds can only fly on Tuesdays.
If someone explains how difficult it would be to enforce that birds only fly on Tuesdays, it does not mean that they also want mandatory crack and no pants for anyone.
It just means the person picked one thing to talk about. Instead of attempting to explain multiple things at once.
Does it make sense to you now?
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It’s very brave of you to explicitly blame the mentally challenged for the problems in society. I’m sure you’re familiar with the historical precedent for that ideology?
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You almost have it.
Let’s say they don’t pardon Hunter.
Fast forward a couple months to another “perfect” Trump phone call.
“Hey, Joe, we have your son. Here’s what you’re going to say / do / tell me…”
Who or what is going to stop them from doing that anyway? It’s not like the rule of law will mean anything with all 3 branches under Republican majority control. The enforced disappearance and extortion that you’re implying isn’t going to be averted by a measly pardon given by what will become the opposition party. Pardoning Hunter is not guaranteed to yield any material exemption for him with the guard changing, but it does represent to the public that Democrats consider those who are close to them to be exempt from the rule of law when the law is applicable. It’s both bad optics and likely futile. Biden pardoned him on the slim chance Hunter can navigate past double jeopardy or whatever new undoing of foundational legal precedent the Republicans decide to unleash out of (generally misplaced) vindictiveness.
Which, no fuck you Biden for pardoning your son. He committed multiple crimes, including gun laws and convicted in a fair trial.
Fuck you for proving that there is a two tier Justice system.
Fuck you for undermining gun control.
Fuck you for giving yet another example that Democrats are no better than Republicans.
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For real. I don’t think Joe’s wrong to say Hunter was singled out, but Hunter still did those things.
Yeah, I also agree but as you can see, people still treat this crap as a team sport instead of treating everyone equally under the law.
I mean hell, how are we supposed to say fuck the trump family for all their shady, illegal behavior with taxes and prosecute them when Democrats are pardoning a tax evader and making excuses when he did do those things regardless of political bullshit.
He also made a huge deal for months(years even?) about how he wasn’t going to interfere…
It was obviously billshit and he’d have done this even if Kamala won. But if Bidens fans cared about facts or logic, they wouldn’t be fans of Biden.
They just latched onto anyone they were told to who wasn’t named trump
If Kamala had won, Hunter being in the custody of the DOJ wouldn’t be a national security risk.
If Kamala had won, Hunter being in the custody of the DOJ wouldn’t be a national security risk
Just what the actual fuck does that even mean?
I haven’t been seeing articles every day about Biden. That’s a big win over Trump in my book.
Not really…
trump is obviously worse. But when Trump does dumb shit everyone around me is also complaining
When it’s Biden doing dumb shit, if I mentioned it I’d get called a trump supporter for having higher standards.
When a republican is in office people pay attention and care. Which helps the next election.
But when Dem voters spend four years trying to bring up ways Biden can be better, and they’re told “if you’re not loyal, you’re a Trumper” it just seems like depressed Dem turnout shouldn’t be surprising.
Hell, Biden said Black people who weren’t 100% sure they were going to vote for him, maybe weren’t Black. Which full circle, is why we never fucking heard from him
It wasn’t a good thing, it’s because he wasn’t fit for the job and when he opened his mouth he said all the wrong things.
That has not been my experience.
When it’s Biden doing dumb shit, if I mentioned it I’d get called a trump supporter for having higher standards.
If you haven’t seen that over the last four years…
Well, sometimes things seem obvious to one person, while another has no clue what’s going.
The problem is when that person insists things that conclusively can be proven didn’t happen, because they weren’t paying attention.
Ironically enough, you’re proving my point.
When a republican is in office people pay attention and care. Which helps the next election.
Something not happening to me doesn’t mean it didn’t happen to you.
What Joe isn’t saying is that he’s not going to hand his son over to Trump to be used for ransom and influence over Biden as a former president and that this has fuckalll to do with the merits of the case or interests of criminal justice.
“It insults the intelligence of the American people to compare misdemeanor tax charges to a scheme to steal Top Secret documents and obstruct justice when the government asked for them back,” he tweeted, comparing the charges against Hunter Biden to the recent federal indictment against former President Donald Trump. “If anything, Hunter Biden was treated harshly — those crimes are rarely charged.”
Tax charges?
He was a crackhead that illegally bought a gun after lying on federal forms and then abandoned the gun in a trash can where it was gone by the time his wife found it…
Now, I’m not a CPA, but how is that a “tax charge”?
If anything, Hunter Biden was treated harshly — those crimes are rarely charged.”
I do appreciate that quote literally using Trump’s own excuse for tax fraud tho…
But you should but an /s or something or people will think you actually believe what the quote claims.
The gun indictment was revealed as part of his tax investigation.
Kinda like when they investigated Clinton for Whitewater and found out he lied about a blowjob.
In both cases, the crimes are rarely prosecuted. The only reason they were prosecuted was because Clinton is Clinton and Hunter is Hunter.
The reason the gun charges are rarely prosecuted is most people aren’t dumb enough to admit it in an autobiography and do book tours talking about and verify you did in fact break federal gun laws…
Most people wouldnt do that because they’re afraid of prison.
Hunter Biden wasnt, even though his dad promised not to pardon him and that “no one is above the law”
And now he’s pardoned. Either Biden was always going to do this and lied to us, or the US president just got punked by his adult son in a way I thought only Netenyahu could punk him.
I’m honestly not sure which would be worse.
Which do you think happend?
Biden lied and was always going to do this
A geriatric man just got manipulated by his adult crackhead son
Mystery answer you havent came up with yet
Because it’s hard to act like it’s because of the charges being bullshit now when they’re the same charges as when Biden said he was staying out of it.
The only thing that changed is Joe and Hunter both expected Joe’s DOJ to let Hunter off
- Biden was willing to let the charges stand right up until Trump got elected and started talking about how he was going to pardon everyone from 1/6 onward.
“Oh, so he’s going to abuse pardon power? Fine, fuck it, Hunter gets a pardon.”
Close but missed it.
Biden was willing until Trump won because with Trump running the DOJ, letting the DOJ have custody of Biden’s son is a massive national security risk.
That was never going to happen.
and convicted in a fair trial.
To be fair, that’s kinda just what pardons are for.
I almost want to give Hunter a break because he never would have even been charged if his dad wasn’t President. Then I remember how he misused his father’s status for personal gain. I figure that takes the first issue off the table.
To be fair, I doubt he’d pardon hunter if Kalama won. Can you imagine what would happen to Hunter with DoJ under trump admin? Yes he did crimes, but crimes need to have proportional punishment, which I doubt trump admin is gonna be fair about it.
Feeding your son to a felon president is a bad idea.
It’s really sad to me that the Portland community is moderated by a center right liberal.
Portland in general needs a large dose of common sense if we want to have a livable city.
Yeah, cause there is anyone left wing on the city council and like we haven’t had a succession of center right Democrats that used to be republicans as mayors.
The city is the way it is under leadership that aligns with your politics.
The city we have is the city we get if you get everything you want politically. It’s literally your mess.
To be fair, I doubt he’d pardon hunter if Kalama won.
He said he wouldn’t even if Trump won…
He was going to do it regardless.
Feeding your son to a felon president is a bad idea.
What about everyone gun owner who uses cannabis in a state that legalized cannabis?
Unfortunately crack and weed use would be treated the same under federal law.
Biden can fix that be de-classifying marijuana and help millions of Americans.
But he’s only saving one crackhead.
Hunter Biden was scheduled to be sentenced on Dec. 12 for his conviction on federal gun charges. He also was set to be sentenced on Dec. 16 in a separate criminal case in which he pleaded guilty to federal tax evasion charges in September.
Trump’s absolutely screwed up Justice department would have had nothing to do with the sentencing.
This wasn’t because of the merits of the case or the interests of justice. This was a national security move. A Russian agent is taking over the DOJ. We’re not going to give him the former president’s son.
Did you know, unlike a Jury’s “non-guilty” verdict, court sentencing can be appealed?
If the prosecution believes the sentence to be too light, they can appeal and request a heavier sentence.
Also, there are many more ways a weaponized DoJ can mess with its prisoners. if epstein got killed under trump admin, who’s to say it can’t happen to others, regardless of if they are as terrible as epstein or not.
Oh for fucks sake, you think that Epstein was killed by the Trump admin? Get out of here with that conspiracy theory BS.
And no a prosecutor can’t just say “oh it’s to light” and a judge just grants it. There had to be legal basis behind it like sentencing below the minimum mandated sentence and even the most shitty judges aren’t looking to undermine the other judges and the system unlike what is happening here.
But whatever, you can all be go sports team with this and downvote away but you’re just proving what regular Americans think, even if it’s not, that both sides are the same with this.
WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — Hunter Biden was convicted Tuesday of all three felony charges related to the purchase of a revolver in 2018 when, prosecutors argued, the president’s son lied on a mandatory gun-purchase form by saying he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs.
Lying on an ATF Form 4473 is almost never prosecuted because much of the language is wishy-washy. Ever filled one out?
The odds of being charged for lying on the form are virtually nonexistent. In the 2019 fiscal year, when Hunter Biden purchased his gun, federal prosecutors received 478 referrals for lying on Form 4473 — and filed just 298 cases. The numbers were roughly similar for fiscal 2020. At issue is when Biden answered “no” on the question that asks about unlawful drug use and addiction when purchasing a gun.
How’s that moral high horse ride for ya? Winning any elections? No?
How many others wrote an autobiography confessing to the crimes though?
The reason gun laws are so unenforceable, is you have to be a complete moron and confess or you won’t lose a trial
Hunter didn’t just confess, he put it in a book and sold it, then did press tours admitting to it
He knew it was illegal, he knew the reason others don’t get caught is they dont admit to it
But Hunter believed he was above the law despite his dad saying the opposite.
And at the end of the day the 50+ year old crackhead has a former grasp on reality than the US president.
When Biden said :
No one is above the law
We should have demanded he step down immediately, no sane person in America believes that shit. Either he was lying (again) or he’s that far gone.
On on hand fuck Biden for betraying what little respect I had.
But also rump’s bullshit all vanished.
Fuck it.
Liberals are partly to blame. Many workers in the South and Midwest lost their jobs, and liberals responded by looking down their noses at the “dumb country bumpkins” in the flyover states, where the so-called “basket of deplorables” live. They should listen to the educated elites. Democrats focus on social justice instead of jobs and the price of bread, leaving them out of touch with the common person.**
looking down their noses at the “dumb country bumpkins” in the flyover states
Lemmy, every single day.
So this is his big Grand exit? He could do so much on the way out the door for the country but instead the senile old fuck only cares about his damn kid.
Still got over a month.
Minus the 2+ weeks they take for the holidays.
This is one trivial act.
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But Biden said he was the justice guy and he would not intervene!
All the excuses to pardon Hunter out of “fear of Trump” could be used to excuse things that actually helped the public
Who gives a shit? Republicans made a felon president. Nothing fucking matters anymore.
A felon that had to be given immunity by the supreme court he picked himself in order to stay out of prison long enough for the richest man in the world to get him elected.
You can’t make this shit up
Reminds me of
It’s not that people are mad he’s doing it, we’re mad he’s not doing more meaningful thing that will help people not named Biden or help a foreign country commit a genocide.
What gets me tho is his supporters applauding this.
Even when he spent months promising not to do this because of the sanctity of justice system…
I know I could tell he was lying. But his supporters swore up and down Biden wouldn’t lie, and now they’re supporting it.
Do you honestly not understand why 1/3 of the country treats both parties as out of touch liars who don’t care for 99.99% of Americans?
Like, if “nothing matters” why isn’t Biden doing more? Why isn’t he even appointing all the empty judges seats before Trump can?
Why is the only things he can do on his way out the door arming a genocidal far right religious state for their genocide and pardoning his own son?
If Kamala had won, Hunter would not have been pardoned.
Biden pardoned him because of all the bullshit pardons Trump is talking about.
“You know what, fine, fuck it, Hunter gets a pardon.”
So your version is like this?
I’m tired of rich privileged people never being held accountable, I’ll show them by not allowing my rich privileged son to be held accountable! Now the wealthy from either party isn’t being held accountable, which is obviously going to be celebrated by the poor’s because both groups of rich and powerful people are unaccountable!
Because that just sounds unbelievable , so I don’t think that’s what you meant
But man, I can’t think of a single other option.
Like, if it’s to just rub in republicans faces…
They’d hate it more if we dont give them the 42 open federal judicial seats than Bidens son
Crazy thought, Biden could do both?
Instead of only saving his son who is clearly and literally self admittedly guilty?
The Biden are never going to love you man. They’ll never know you’re name, they’ll never lose a second of sleep over your troubles.
Trump won’t either to be fair, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend your time defending. A different group of wealthy oligarchs who aren’t subject to the same rules as you and me.
No, my version is retributive.
“Oh, Trump won? Fuck it, Hunter gets a pardon.”
This is the obvious answer. Biden treated the situation as if his son would be treated the same as any other citizen. Instead they threw the book at him because he was the presidents son.
Why trust the system that lets Trump off the hook.
Seems more likely that it’s a preemptive guard against the retribution Trump has been loudly promising. When the next president vows to enact revenge on his political enemies, and your son has been branded a political enemy, you do what you can to try to prevent relatively minor offenses from becoming something more theatrical.
Biden doesnt exactly have a reputation of being keen on actual justice. Just demagogery, racism, and bribe taking disguised as justice. Are there worse crimes than genocide? – all for some campaign contributions.
Did he not spend his entire senate career beating a drum about being touch on crime, ito the right of republicans, imprisoning two generations of minority americans on flimsy no-victim crimes? Did he not call all the worst racists on the republican side his close friends? Didnt he campaign for them against democrats?
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Even when he spent months promising not to do this because of the sanctity of justice system…
He probably wasn’t lying. Hunter was convicted for purely political reasons. The crimes he was convicted of are rarely enforced and almost never result in jail time against first offenders. The President assumed that his son would be treated fairly like any other first time offender. He believed in the sanctity of the justice system but has now been forced to revise that opinion because it’s perfectly clear that he was wrong.
the crimes he was convicted of are rarely enforced and almost never resulted in jail time against first offenders
This is the same line trump supporters use when defending his convictions, and it probably is true for both. If your in politics you and your family are, and should be, under more legal scrutiny then an average person. That’s the price of power.
Your family should not be under more scrutiny than anybody else and they should not be a target of your political enemies.
The President assumed that his son would be treated fairly like any other first time offender.
You’re aware Biden is in charge of the DOJ right?
So he’s admitting his DOJ was fucked up and acting in bad faith…
But rather than at any point since he realized that, he’s choosing to only save his son and still not do any actual justice reform?
A regular person saving their son, ok. We get it
The literal one person able to save millions of sons? He should do actual reform.
He’d save his own son in the process too.
Like, you realize there’s a shit ton of open judicial seats Biden is about to let trump seat as soon as he comes into office right?
Are you implying Biden appointed such shit people to lead the DOJ that he now trusts Trump’s judgement more?
Like I said:
Like, if “nothing matters” why isn’t Biden doing more? Why isn’t he even appointing all the empty judges seats before Trump can?
But if be really surprised if anyone actually explains why Biden not even appointing 30 judges is ok, let alone why the Senate not confirming 42 is bad.
Biden allowed the prosecution of Hunter to avoid the appearance of not being neutral.
Now that Trump has won and a) is openly talking about pardoning anyone and everyone and b) wanting to prosecute his enemies list, it 100% makes sense to beat him to the punch and pardon Hunter.
If Kamala had won, he would have let it all stand.
Biden allowed the prosecution of Hunter to avoid the appearance of not being neutral
But the reality is he wasnt neutral…
So, when you portray a situation falsely because you know the blowback would hurt your chances in an upcoming election (Biden was the candidate then)
That is commonly referred to:
Being a fucking liar
And when you do that for something everyone knows you’re lying about, that’s going to hurt turnout for the entire party, even if you do eventually shuffle off the stage before the election.
You may be 100% of with the only two parties only running liars
But if you want a way to make Dems able to win again, fight for honest authentic candidates who will help Americans.
You’ll never find a neoliberal as good as lying as a Republican. So why play that game.
If Kamala had won, he would have let it all stand.
My opinion is obviously he wouldn’t have. I’m not sure why your preventing your opinion as a fact, or even why you still think the next president somehow controls sentencing…
Like, you get that right?
That the entire premise for your argument about why this is ok has no factual basis?
If you think I’m wrong, by all means explain how the incoming president co trolls that, and how Biden wasn’t able to control it now for a fair result and not an all or nothing like you’re presenting
Oh, he definitely wasn’t neutral, no father could be, that’s why I say he was trying to avoid the APPEARANCE of not being neutral. ;)
Now that Trump has won and is talking crazy shit, there’s no need to maintain appearances.
So, when you portray a situation falsely because you know the blowback would hurt your chances in an upcoming election (Biden was the candidate then)
Are you seriously upset that Biden pardoned his son’s charges of checking the no box to the do you use drugs question on his firearm application. And paying his taxes late?
That’s gotta be every single weed smoker in a recreational state.
And when you do that for something everyone knows you’re lying about, that’s going to hurt turnout for the entire party, even if you do eventually shuffle off the stage before the election.
Oh he shuffled off stage all right. Right before the democratic wolve party beat him with a broomstick and replaced him with a pinata.
That poster basically lambasts Biden all the time. It’s their whole schtick
Biden isn’t in charge of the DOJ…
Biden is in charge of the person in charge of the DoJ.
In charge of him in what way?
The Attorney General leads the DoJ and is a member of the president’s cabinet. The DoJ is also part of the executive branch. While it is “bad form” for the president to order the AG to do something, the president can fire the AG. Look up what Nixon did to find out more.
If I wanted to operate on republican standards of integrity I’d be a republican.
You’re operating on Republican standards of integrity whether you want to or not, because nothing fucking matters anymore. That’s just the hand you’ve been dealt.
we’re only as good as the world lets us be, huh.
And that’s why you should let me go, Your Honor
You can commit 34 felonies, as a treat.
Exactly. Trump is about to pardon dozens/hundreds of treasonous terrorists (Jan 6th).
Honestly, I doubt he will pardon more than a small number people, most of the Jan6ers have nothing that will gain Trump if they are pardoned, and they have shown to be dangerous towards government and authority, these are not people an authoritarian government will want on the streets.
Past actions matter far, far less than future potential gains.
Trump will be back in office, he has won, he doesn’t need the Jan6ers anymore.
I am certain that he will pardon a few, to make it seem like he/the republicans care, but the majority will probably stay locked up.
Good. He should have done so. It was an unfair attack.
Its not the first time dems look indistinguishable from republicans (who are fascists) on Joe’s watch, is it.
Biden is a guy who participated in obvious war crimes that 88% of his party didnt support-- as a democrat… And imperiously ignored the key issues of the campaign. Of course he’s going to pardon his shitty d-bag lobbyist son on the way out the door. Biden has lowered the bar for his party, for democracy, and for the entire western world order straight through the floor and deep into bedrock. We’ll need some sort of engineering miracle to ever even raise the bar up to ground level, much less hold it any higher anytime soon.
Most of the country clearly stated that they don’t give a fuck about the law. Why should Biden insist on crucifying his son on some cringe gun ownership violation, while the government gets stacked with criminals? and you’re going to equate this to republicans? with Trump pardoning all his scumbag cronies who committed crimes on his behalf? The criminal elect who tried to steal the 2020 election? Get the fuck out of here
Why should Biden insist on crucifying his son on some cringe gun ownership violation
He’s not “crucifying his son”. His son is guilty of tax and gun crimes he clearly committed. If everyone lied on every government form, we couldnt have a country now could we.
Get the fuck out of here
Try to make me.
Good job ignoring most of my response while pretending you responded to anything of substance. Clown
Honestly? With the absolute thought crime aspect and the way the plea deal was handled, I don’t blame him one bit. There’s no public interest in locking up Hunter Biden.
Yeah, I don’t see any public interest involved at all when it comes to the issue of presidents using their power to get their relatives off jail time. I don’t think it undermines the sense of justice and equality that all citizens are supposed to have if the “first among equal citizens” can get their crackhead middle ages son off of already lenient legal consequences for actions that others are serving hard time for. Not at all a conspicuous legal hole that undermines the concept of the rule of law, and definitely not open to abuse.
That was part of the problem. The judge bowed to political pressure and rejected a completely normal plea deal to throw the book at the guy instead.
If you ask me the pardon power isn’t used nearly enough.
Judges do that all the time. Hunter Biden was the 50+ year old son of one of the most powerful people in the country. Not some 22 year old street kid from a poor district.
Yeah well they shouldn’t.
Actually judges can and should call foul on plea deals that are poorly worded so as to allow future violations of tax law.
A violation is a violation. A plea deal can’t make a future act not a crime. That’s completely nonsense.
Exactly, which is why the judge objected to plea deal. Are you following now?
They absolutely should.
This isn’t some small point, either. Your view validates mandatory minimum sentencing and other systemically racist structures.
Judges should make judgments. It’s literally the job title. A judge is someone you’re supposed to be able to trust to take into account all the human stuff and make decisions based off it.
You want a judge that makes the judgment call that a plea deal is okay? Fine.
You want a judge that throws away a plea deal they think is too light? Fine.
You want a judge that adds up minimum sentences and could be replaced by a computer? Not fine.
Yeah sure. And how many scandals are we seeing about judges? It’s obviously not fine. This isn’t the 1800’s any more and we need to stop giving someone that much power. If a plea deal is done between the state and a defendant them the judge’s only role should be to make sure the defendant isn’t being taken advantage of. The state hardly needs protection here and the precedent for political interference in the judicial system is really not okay.
Life isn’t a Hollywood movie where the judge is some all knowing good intentioned white guy that always does the right thing. Our founding fathers understood this, that’s why they gave us what protections they could. Now over 200 years later we’ve forgotten it all. We even have debtor’s prison back, specifically with the help of the people you say are supposed to uphold trust in law and order.
At this point I would rather a computer than read one more Pro Publica story about a judge taking kickbacks to send kids to torture camps.
You’re complaining about corruption in elected positions, and want to replace it by giving more power to the DA, or to remove the human aspect and give everything over a computer assigning mandatory minimums that only ever seem to go up.
If you have a problem with corruption, you fight the corruption. You don’t consolidate power into even fewer hands, with no mercy(not that there is much of that in the first place.)
The founding fathers were a bunch of rich white dudes, that almost to a one, fail every moral standard today. Some of them would and were considered assholes in their own time. Acting like they were incredibly thoughtful/wise elder statesmen is the only Hollywood trope either one of us has brought up. Part of the protections they did try and put into place was to spread power out, and make those positions ones that elected. You know, the stuff you want to remove?
There’s no public interest in locking a lot of people up, yet they still do.
Rules should be applied equally, regardless of who you or your parents are.
Ya but he’s white and wealthy. That shits better than Teflon these days.
This rule should be disregarded equally.
There’s no public interest in locking up Hunter Biden.
Nonsense. Theres a massive public interest in a privileged member of the political elite being held to the same legal standards and to the same due process as you and me.
That’s not the same legal standards. Tax charges that the IRS bends over backwards not to use and gun charges that are literally thought crime and also very rarely used.
This was the witch hunt the GOP cries wolf about. The original thing they were looking for was Ukrainian money deals.
For anyone else the IRS would have had a payment plan and the gun charges would have been a plea deal. But we go from politically motivated investigation to politically motivated judge rejecting the plea deal
What about this is the same due process we would have?
All the other cases where they sentenced someone with a federal gun charge for lying on the form were plea deals. ABC said they couldn’t find any instances of someone being charged and convicted on that charge alone. You can’t say this wasn’t a politically motivated prosecution when the charge has never been used that way before.
Dem voters for about 20 years:
We need regulations!
No, just enforce what we have! Stop asking for what we need!
Also moderatess:
Are you nuts?! We can’t enforce the rules when our side break them!!