We all had a choice (well, maybe not ivf babies), we were just so dumb (single cell sperm) that the “choice” was not informed.
Not even true, contrary to popular belief it doesn’t take one sperm cell in order to fertilize an egg it takes a bunch of sperm cells to fertilize an egg. This is why when men ejaculate they don’t just ejaculate one sperm cell they ejaculate at least half a shot glass.
If a different sperm had won, I wouldn’t be here.
Team effort or not, there is one success.
You’ve got a point. What was I thinking swimming to that egg?
Yes. If I’m actually some kind of cosmic being that can choose to be born yes, I am taking that pill. I’m taking all the experience pills.
Like, now? No way. I would choose to continue my unborn existence. However, if I could choose a time period, that would be a different story.
Yeah, it’s worth it. Plus maybe I can help.
Hard to say.
Even if my life currently is not bad, there are and have been bad times. Not existing is never bad. So no.
Not existing is neither bad nor good, existence is the experience of both good and bad things. Don’t only focus on the bad ones.
Seeing as how shit everything is, no.
Certainly not.
Why not?
gestures vaguely at everything
I would rather have not experienced my life.
Just because things haven’t been great so far doesn’t mean they won’t be better in the future. I hope you are able to improve your life into something you want to experience.
Found something to live for lmao
Can we make them better tomorrow? I mean we’ve generated enough wealth.
Yes. We have to persist through the horrors, thats just how it is on this bitch of an earth
A. Even with how shit the world is there’s enough good that exists for it to be worth it.
B. If I didn’t exist, I would never have a chance to help improve the world in my small way.
Same view but I also have had it pretty good. Great family and support, passed that on to my kids, and I’ve had a lot of support with great teachers through my years so now I pass that on to those less fortunate and it just does it for me. It’s a great feeling helping others.
Here’s your Christmas advice kids: care about other people, nothing else will actually fulfill you.
Maybe if I had the choice of where and when to be born. Much too risky to leave it up to chance though
Yes. Everything is pointless and nothing is forever. Might as well enjoy the life we’ve got. Non-existence is better for some people, but I think on the whole life is worth living for most people.
Fuck no.
just go ahead and turn me to dust again, split apart my atoms, make something useful out of it.
What is “useful”?
Use is to be used
Useful implies a user
Only life can use