As someone who lives in California, I would love this.
As someone who lives in Texas, I would also love this - once I gtfo of Texas
We’d love to have ya!
Have a chat with Hawaii, okay? Mom wants to go before she dies but she won’t go with Trump in charge. Get them on board and even the flight’s domestic. Woot!
Hey, take illinois. Its connected via the great lakes, and we may be #12 in terms of GDP, about 50-60%% of goods travelling by rail or road through the US have to go through us.
The Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railways are busy in the Chicago area.
Pick me! Pick me! oh oh oh!
As a Washingtonian, I would LOVE for this to happen. It’s a shame she’s joking.
I mean, as a Canadian I would say come on and get this going. Hell Alaska can join as well.
Then tarriff the shit out of Trump for anything being shipped through new Canada from China lol.
What a Sucker Punch ! I like that
I think each individual state should be able to choose whether they stay in the US or not. Every ten years, the citizens of the state voted. If you vote to leave, you can’t come back for ten years. It would take place at the same time as the census.
Yes, the one aspect of the civil war that I have never agreed with was that a stare can not choose to leave the Union. If a terratory can vote to join the Union, I see no reason why they couldn’t vote to leave it. On that note, I would also support the idea that the other states should have the right to vote out a state they no longer want in the Union.
You’re right. Self determination is a right we all have.
Which state is the Weakest Link?
Based on statistics, easily Mississippi. But most obnoxious is easily Texas. Texas would be my first vote out.
Seconded. If we oust Texas, we can regain control over the content in school textbooks.
People who want to flee can still be welcomed as refugees.
I am so fucking on board with this, lfg!
If we could trick Mexico into taking back Texas that would be ideal. But Mexico is way too smart to fall for that.
Just ignoring Florida’s existence?
Just a few more years
Eh, I’d love to boot all the old confederate states, but picking off the worst first only helps the whole.
Mississippi? Alabama? Wyoming? One of those probably.
Not just three, all the Blue States would like to switch to province.
If the whole “annex Canada” stuff was just a distraction, this might become a reality, fascists like Trump are highly irrational, and might give them the 3 most western states, especially California.
Am Californian, would seriously consider joining Canada.
Trump could reflexively say whatever (as he does) but so much cargo comes through here his business people wouldn’t let him do it. Too much of a tariff risk.
California has gone blue every 4 years since 1992.
If your 54 EC votes leave, this country is absolutely doomed. Please take us with you.
Can we get a relocation care package for all of the reasonable people stuck in red state hell-holes!? I’d move to literally any blue state if I had the resources and reassurance it won’t be sucked into US federal far right bs. So done with this scam country.
I think it’s all noise to distract from issues US should solve on its own.
Minnesota is basically already there
I doubt they’ll take #Arkansas, so I’m screwed either way until my familial duty is complete.
NWA here, yeah our guv’na is a fascist demon ready to put all non white christians into concentration camps
I am Soooooo down for this!!!
As an American, let me just say, 🎶 Oh Canada… 🎶
Some required listening before joining: A Canadian comedy debate on whether O Canada is the best national anthem
North Carolina please