I’d learned about this last week, and this stuff is a bunch of Wikipedia searches so forgive me if I miss anything :]
Similar to git master and whitelist/blacklist having addressed racist origins, I’ve just learned that “ricing” – i.e. way-far-from-default, colorfully souped-up *nix customizations – came from a derogatory word for Asian “riced out” cars.
(click to enlarge spot where I came to learn about this)
Example in the lemmy.ml/c/linux community.
The linked Wikipedia article doesn’t list *nix ricing specifically, but it’s probably not a far reach – for example, tech’s master-slave came from cars too.
Now I’m not here to start a debate on whether the term itself is bad. The arguments are done to death and predictable (old threadhope I can link here). Rather, I posit that we could probably invent a new term if we forced it hard enough.
For example, 4chan forcibly invented the use of the ok hand for “white power”, as a collective prank (Wikipedia).
Further, Tumblr invented 'then beg' as an insult response to 'I beg your pardon/to differ'. (click to enlarge)
Based on Pukicho.
So why can’t Lemmy invent something too?
Here are some earlier takes. (click to enlarge for source, but they are listed below anyway)
I surmise it has to be (1) somewhat unique and (2) short and nounable/verbable.
- Customization doesn’t fit – it’s too broad. Changing the wallpaper is a customization – diagonalizing your screen is a rice (term to be replaced…).
- Bespoke doesn’t fit either. That’s for a duct-tape script you hack together.
- Pimping out… is not a good alternative. It preexists(citation needed?) and has inertia but it’s not any better.
- Souping up… doesn’t roll off the tongue so much. But it’s food-related (and thus not far from “rice”). Though I can’t see myself saying “Yo, check out this epic soup.”
Brainstorming welcome :P
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Yeah, mods are power-tripping.
Gonna need a new Linux community soon.
Yeah always nice to be censored for stating facts
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You’re in good faith so that’s cool. I just think those are kind of a waste of time because it throws bad shade over antiracism while it is still very much needed
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This comment shouldn’t have been removed.
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edit: I rescind this comment because I seem to have misunderstood what the commenter meant by reclaiming. Sorry, I did not mean to be hateful.
I love when slurs are ‘reclaimed’ by people the slur doesn’t refer to.
Like how we ‘reclaimed’ all those native american stereotypes for sports teams
opening the linked thread like:
Anyways I’m gay and transgender, so I’ve decided that from now on I’m saying that I’m transing my desktop.
Jokes aside, going from repressed neutral boy clothes to vibrant and colorful girl clothes and makeup and feeling cute has been such a great part of transitioning. This is kind of how I see customizing my desktop now. It always comes with such boring dry defaults, so I trans her gender and give her a makeover and now my computer is all pretty. So I’m sticking with transing.
Maybe we shouldn’t invent new terms for races?
Please report posts & comments that make use of the term on lemmy.ml; we remove them.
The same car mod term in the 50s was ‘hotrodding’.
Can’t people refer to it as their personalized setups? Or is that too hard to write?
Yeah but that’s missing the flair required by people who spend their evenings adjusting the radial blur on the window borders.
I have yet to see a personalized setup with blurred window borders xD
Ricing isn’t exactly the same as personalized though.
Ricing when it comes to cars is putting on a giant wing and a huge muffler on a Honda Civic.
Ricing in the Gentoo community is turning on every compiler optimization flag for the main portage config file without knowing what they’re doing, potentially actually de-optimizing your setup.
There’s an element of “overdone” involved usually whenever someone is called a ricer.
To personalize your setup, is to deviate from the default config to better match your preferences - whatever those may be, however over the top those may be.
That doesn’t imply any optimization, unless it’s what you personally prefer.
Exactly my point. Most of us customize our setup one way or another, usually. Few of us are ricers in the traditional sense.
I’m shreking up my arch install rn
I just shreked my opensuse
Ebbin my neezerinstall until it scrooges
Sometimes, I Miles Edward O’Brien my VM GPU passthrough.
I’ve Farquaad my network stack!
You’re compensating for something with your network stack?
Spice/spiced could work. But it’s still an allusion, not sure if that defeats the point.
For example, 4chan forcibly invented the use of the ok hand for “white power”, as a collective prank
Which, outside of specific contexts where you’re already confident someone is a WN, was quickly forgotten and never really took off. It’s not a great example of a social shift.
This will and probably has got a bunch of flak but I’m with you. There’s nothing wrong with recognising when we can pick a better term for something we enjoy.
Like, I get why people use “-porn” as a suffix and it isn’t offensive to me but I still won’t use that in a workplace. It’d be cool if someone thought of a better neologism!
jk I don’t have any better ideas
Don’t worry about it, nobody says that any more. It died out with Gentoo.
No, Gentoo is alive! I can catch up to upstream Firefox’s LTO+Clang+PGO optimizations and use my own version of Debian alternatives and save 3MB by removing iso9660 support from REFind!
It seems pretty alive to me though. 5/25 of the month-top-posts in r/unixporn have it in the title, and I’m sure more are present in the comments. And a lot of YT videos on it still mention it.
Oooh so I’m not the only one who uses (used) refind with Gentoo!
oh hey, i’m in that screenshot!
Customization is good!
I removed this because it has nothing to do with linux specifically, and as expected, it brought out a lot of people defending the use of this historically racist term, and /asablackman’ing it.
I’ve reinstated it and removed the offending comments for now.
Also I don’t know why this needs a discussion at all. There’s hundreds of words in english for something that looks good, and you can be more specific about it : snazzy, sleek, cool, streamlined, nifty, retro
removed the offending comments
In one of which an Asian dude literally says it’s not used as a derogatory anymore. Talk about being offended for others
An stranger on the internet just gave you license to say a historically racist term, how convenient for you. Next they’ll be some /r/asablackman posters saying its okay for you to use the n-word, because it doesn’t bother them.
Should they’ve included a selfie or an id pic? Because when black ppl use that n-word you’re trying to draw parallels with (which, BTW, is still a derogatory towards a person and has no other meanings, as far as I’m aware) nobody gets offended. And, aside from the use of the “r-word”, their comment was a valid opinion on topic asking for that opinion
It’s not like black people using the N-word, it’s like white people using the n-word because a stranger on the internet said it’s ok.
aside from the use of the “r-word”
You don’t think them casually dropping a slur might invalidate their opinion on whether a different word is a slur? Fucking LLM-ass logic right there.
The “r-word” in question refers to the being food discussed (although it’s not really a discussion, given we have the correct opinion and “your comment is getting deleted” opinion) in the post, since we’re apparently deleting comments for using it now. Hence the quotation marks.
As for the 1st paragraph, (a) i’m arguing it’s nowhere like using the n-word at all, and (b) it was said by the Asian dude, so I don’t see how so.
Are you telling me that you have so little understanding of slurs and their use that you think people are getting banned for saying using the word rice? You cannot be serious. How dare you think you have the intelligence to hold an opinion.
I know what you’re arguing you fucking dunce, I just told you you’re wrong. There are plenty of slurs that aren’t as bad as the n-word, you’re not allowed to use any of them. And b) doesn’t matter. You don’t use the n-word even if a black person “gives you permission”, because that makes you a fucking racist.
I’m telling you the post explicitly asked about opinions, and the “wrong” ones that used the “r-word” happened to be blocked, and there is a comment from another mod that explicitly tells they’ll remove stuff using that. Although it’s a reasonably short comment that’s easily blocked from view with a medium-sized justice boner, so it’s understandable you’ve missed it.
Although, you’re somewhat right, the meaning of a slur was a bit off in my vocabulary. I’d still argue it isn’t one in context ('cause it neither refers to a person nor is it derogatory in its current form)… However, I’d also like to play along and give you folks another (and, arguably, a more worthy) which hunt target – chinesium. You know, currently a derogatory, currently refers to a particular nation, so…
I think the difference is that with the n-word both the targets of the insult and the non-targets recognize it as an insult. Meanwhile considering the rice-word, both parties either only know the current-day meaning or think that the insult and the description of someone making their car look (but not function) like a race car are 2 different terms with different origin.
You also seem to imply that the asian poster might have just been a white person trying to prove their point. Well here is a video of a chinese-american using it (and not as some kind of “protest slur” or what’s the term for rappers using the n-word in their songs) https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=68sTT4mFTnA
I agree that using terms with racist origin is bad but I think that this term outside of the linux circles cannot be racist because nobody even knows it was racist at some point. edit: Obviously it should stop being used inside the linux circles because a) people here are more likely to read the wikipedia article than watch hours of automotive video content and b) the term does not even make sense for linux desktops because it just means “to make your desktop look cool”. There aren’t cosmetic linux desktop mods that make the computer look fast or like supercomputer or whatever.
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I saw a BlackPeopleTwitter post yesterday where one local (so, black) user gave another Asian user a coveted “invite to the cookout” for posting some decently well meaning kinda intersectionalist words, and they ATE THE FORMER USER ALIVE, saying paraphrased obviously “we give this privelage out way too readily to people who evidence the bare minimum decency”. Some people want to gel so bad they jump the gun and so you can’t assume one minority giving you a privelage related to their community stands for all in the community. The paradox of the N-pass.
The paradox of the n-word pass is similar to the paradox of the daoist leader; if you were of good enough character (as an outsider/Bourgeoisie) to warrant the privilege of leadership/cookout, then you’d be wise enough to never want to use them.
Yeah but it doesn’t affect me and I’m fine with using a racist term because I choose not to think about it. That should make it fine for everyone.
I’m not racist I’m just so tired of all this anti-racist stuff @john89@lemmy.ca
Can’t rice our Linux distros or cars because of woke
Jokes aside, RICE means “Race-inspired cosmetic enhancement” apparently
Creating a backronym for a term doesn’t absolve it of its racist roots.
You just sent me a wikipedia article about a car on a thread about linux customisation
Yes, because that is origin of the term. It came from Japanese motorcycle & car customization.
How is the term “racist” if it specifically refers to Japanese cars, not Japanese drivers