I went to dunkin’ the other day and asked for an iced latte with less ice because it’s winter and I wanted less ice. They gave me a cup that was halfway full of coffee. So I asked why and they told me they press a button on a machine, it fills it halfway full with coffee and then they add ice. So when you get a medium iced latte, you’re not actually getting a medium latte, you’re getting a small or a kids size nowadays of coffee, and then they just fill the rest of it with ice. If you ask for less ice, no screw you, you’re not getting the full amount of coffee that you paid for…

I have never heard of this in any other country. What the hell?

  • Rayquetzalcoatl@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Let me give you a tip for free coffees the easy way:

    I’m a smoker, and after each drag I spit straight into a plastic cup that I carry around with me. I usually fill my cup up in about fourteen days (I like a medium too!) which means that if I start on a Monday with my pre-work cigarette, I’ll have a medium drink ready to go by lunchtime a week on Friday! The tobacco colours my spit brown, and the residual nicotine in the saliva actually gives me a kick (I can feel it in my heart and brain). It’s free, and it’s healthy because you’re spitting out all the really unhealthy stuff in cigarettes! I hope this helps, good luck!