And to do that they are going to increase premiums and double your max out of pocket limit every year. Perfect!
Edit: ok having read the article it looks like he is going to push for regulating pharmaceutical companies while simultaneously pushing for states with stricter insurance regulations to be forced (via federal courts or legislation) to lower their standards.
So, a combination of reducing his costs and reducing benefits for the consumer. Sounds like the only one winning is him.
By getting rid of private health insurance.
“Please don’t kill me. :(“ Begs UnitedHealth CEO
“Don’t mistake their self-preservation for empathy.” -Josh Johnson
Not really, he’s doubling down:
“Many of you knew Brian … he devoted his time to help make the health system work better for all of the people we’re privileged to serve.”
Nah, he’s trying to promote a narrative of “there are bad guys in the system, but not us, look at those drug company CEOs over there please… they are the ones really screwing you…”
Just trying to reframe the narrative.
“The insurance companies are the good guys, fighting against outrageous hospital charges, doctors fraudulently demanding excessive tests and care, and odious government regulations.”
for all of the people we’re privileged to serve
This is Corporate America slight of hand, they think the people they serve are the shareholders, not their customers. Their customers are an operating cost to them and they’ll do what they can to keep that cost down so they can maximize their profits.
Many of you knew Brian … he devoted his time to help make the health system work better for all of the privileged we serve.”
Fixed it.
for all of the people we’re privileged to serve.
They serve the shareholders.
So it’s a true statement in the sense that they made the healthcare system better at extracting profit from their costumers to serve the shareholders. Death and suffering is just a method. Andrew Witty, what a soulless shit.
Actions man, actions…
That’s exactly what I came to say.
you’re going to get lip service and faux sympathy, but at least you got them talking about it. this is a clear example of how the only thing the american people have left to create change is violence.
lol someone doesn’t want to be next… so what changes is he going to be making?
You don’t say? Please, tell us more words.
Thieves guild boss says people should earn more and have more money in their wallets.
UnitedHealth CEO says U.S. health system ‘needs to function better’
UnitedHealth CEO says U.S. health system needs to bend in such a way that UHC makes more money by the government making sure they get more money and that it’s everyone else’s fault the HC system sucks because they need to make more money. Everything will be better when they make more money.
“The system needs to function better,” says the figurehead of a completely unnecessary middleman.
More green plumbers please.
Translation: “Needs to function better *for me and my company’s earnings report”
What a headline…‘I thought they need to get worse’
Said no one ever about anything sensibly…“We can’t lower costs. We won’t make as much money.”
wow he really said this?
“Participants in the system,” he said, derive benefit from high health care costs. While lower prices and improved services can be good for consumers and patients, Witty said, they can “threaten revenue streams for organizations that depend on charging more for care.”
Yes this basic human right could be cheap or even free, but then how would shareholders make more money exploiting it?
He’s also just straight up lying. I’m a participant in the system with chronic health issues. I would have benefited more from never going to see a doctor and kept my family out of debt than what I ended up doing.
Sounds like he’s trying to cast everyone else but the insurance companies as the bad organizations, and that they will be taking measures to make that more clear to the people.
In short “don’t shoot us, shoot these other guys if you have to shoot someone!”
His entire business model is based on reducing the efficiency of health care spending and he is directly incentivized to maximize profits by minimizing health care spending efficiency.
US health insurers literally offer zero social benefit. They should not exist as the entire industry in harmful rent seeking.
The concept of insurance makes sense - pooling risk so that everyone can share a little pain all the time, so that unlikely but catastrophic events don’t wipe individuals out. Making this arrangement for-profit is asinine.
Bro literally said,that they don’t care about anything but profits and are willing to kill people for this.
Fuck these guys. I feel sick just seeing their faces.