For example:
- You can fly but you can never stop flying
- You can turn invisible, but never be seen again
God of Toilet Paper.
You might laugh, but I would own the world.
If you were in my favor, you would get the softest, never-chafing, cleanest single-wipe-clean TP ever. No matter what you ate, no matter how spicy, no matter how ill, you could be assured of pain-free, cooling, soothing, wipes. It would be beautiful. Rainbows and peace, no matter how violent the shit
Piss me off? Anything you choose to clean your backside with is then designated TP. I will clog all the toilets, all the plumbing, all the sewers. I can make it all gympie-gympie leaves, sandpaper, wax paper, or just vanish mid-wipe. No matter how much you wiped your already raw ass, there would still be more. I would be a scourge on the Earth, and all would have to bow down before me. You would love me. You would hate me.
He who controls the comfort of the sphincter, controls the world.
Everyone within my earshot has to tell the truth.
Works with TV, radio. Any real time communication.
I think this should also work on myself
I would use this power to make a communist organization of my choice completely immune to infiltration
Imagine an America without COINTELPRO
super good luck. like the the chick from deadpool 2 I think or longshots if it always stayed on.
the bad thing about have always luck on is that bad things can happen to you anyways on prior of your “good luck”
I mean its “always” active. no?
well, if your mom or dad got shot instead of you and that means good luck, then i guess i’m wrong
I guess. I mean in deadpool all the rest of the team mostly died.
I’d chose telekinesis. Heck man i’m sick of having only 2 hands and i’m lazy. I’m ready to use it everytime.
Teleport. Its always on, so I’m just flickering on the spot constantly so fast that its only visible on some cameras.
At the same time this gives me the seeming ability to fly at will, be anywhere, and potentially float (destructively) through walls.
You’d effectively be capable of being in two places at once.
Oh wow, yeah, just flickering between two or more points of existence. It’d be hard to have a simultaneous conversation, but I’m just thinking now of the restaurant possibilities… having a nandos whilst eating a creme mont blanc
The ability to shapeshift doesn’t really get affected by this caveat, so that remains about as appealing as it was before.
Taken to an extreme, one can get a controllable/turn-off-able biological immortality and at-will violation of conservation of matter/energy.
This is pretty simple though right?
Healing factor - always-on healing.
Have you not read the hundreds of stories about people unable to die?
Monkey Paw: Cancer cells also heal
What if there’s an earthquake and you get stuck under a mountain of rubble? Could take months for you to get out of there. How about a skiing accident involving an avalanche? Could take even longer When you are completely immortal, you suddenly start to view certain risks in a very different way.
Always on healing includes mental health :)
How crazy of a healing factor are we talking about. Broken bones healed in a day? Or healing from a gunshot to the brain?
Having a healing power that would let me lose an arm or a lung and regrow it would be awesome. But regrowing a brain would be problematic.
Does healing include not aging? Or the tearing and rebuilding of muscles? It would be wild to have a healing factor that allows you to essentially body build in a single day.
Boom. cancer. Now you’re deadpool
That’s basically psoriasis.
Healing factor - always-on healing.
Don’t we already have that?
Not for everything and not good enough though.
Especially for something as complex as mental illnesses/trauma your body has hardly any ability to heal by itself.
Though then we can get pedantic: How long should you feel down when someone you love died? Because I don’t consider it a bad thing for something like this to take a while before healing. It’d suck to attend their funeral having completely healed already.
Sometimes the always on healing works so good cells start doing things like reactivating telomerase and ignoring the signals for programmed cell death and become cancer, sometimes turning effectively immortal.
Hope you like a sleeping masks. cause eyelids could be a problem.
I do and have a couple
Any you would endorse? My partners mask just comes comes off all the time.
Not really an endorsement but the ones I use look more like ski goggles in their shape. I have a high nose bridge so that is the only kind I can use that doesn’t leak a lot. The one on the right in this picture is what I prefer.
I expect that the physics of true invisibility would actually make you blind, since your retinas wouldn’t be able to absorb any photons. They would have to pass through unaltered to maintain invisibility. Otherwise people would be able to see 2 “shadows” where your retinas are.
I love this and this Would be freaky as f.
Recon countering regret
Sixth sense/ Intuition
I would choose to have the power to turn off superpowers and then I’d turn off my superpower.
What if breathing is your superpower
What if breathing out only is your superpower
Ko re ga requiem da
What if breathing in only is your superpower
Shapeshifting. It’s what I wanted anyway and I can always just be continuously toggling the length of my little toenail to be 1mm longer or shorter.
Hell yeah, I get to choose my boob size, and I can have my hair changing colors like in Terraria!
Powers of a deity.
You are now Cyamites, the god of beans. Use your powers wisely.
Could be worse. Highly nutritious foodstuff providing plenty of vitamins, protein, and fiber. I could do a lot to alleviate some world hunger immediately. Making people fart all over the world would be fun, too.
I could also put beans in the no-bean-chili gatekeepers chili. Evil bean god could be fun, too.
I love the idea of evil bean god! Thought it was a nice easter bunny chocolate? BAM, BEANS.
There is petty revenge and then there is this.
Revenge is a dish best served with beans.
I’ll take Mr. Manhattan’s power set for 500, Alex. Oh yeah, its naked time.
You just wanna be blue.
For some reason I can’t see this image, but I’m betting it’s Fünke
Peter Funke? The famous anal-rapist?