Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned Europe that it cannot withstand Russia without Ukraine’s military, calling Ukraine’s victory vital to stopping Kremlin expansion.
Speaking to Polish media, Zelenskyy stressed that Russia’s larger, more brutal army would target other European nations if Ukraine falls.
He criticized Western allies for underestimating Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ambitions, urging them to strengthen Ukraine’s defenses.
Stalin is one of three world leaders that SAVED Europe from Hitler. I also find it hard to believe the much of Europe was scared of Tojo who may have instead also been scared of Stalin. --That’s was a bad analogy. Do better.
> Carves up Poland
> Wages a war of total destruction en route to Berlin
> Invents a new form of genocide in Ukraine
Yeah cool. The saviour of Europe
Also true
Didn’t Stalin offer Britain and France to fight the Nazis together first ,but was ignored?
Stalin as in an ally of Nazi Germany until Hitler betrayed him?
Yes many people ignore the inconvenient part of history where Stalin tried to not ally with Hitler. But that was ignored probably because Britain thought Commies were scary. So Stalin went ahead and forged a pact with Hitler.
Yes. Molotov, the URSS Commissar for Foreign Affairs, did try to engage France and Britain to form a defensive tripartite pact, which the Western powers ignored.
The Soviets didn’t exactly throw themselves at the German’s arms at first. Stalin was very wary of the Nazis, in fact.
But Hitler practically begged Stalin to buddy up with the Nazis, dangling Poland, Finland, etc. as the proverbial carrot in front of them. The Nazi’s insistence paid off.
Are we painting Stalin as a good guy here? He only fought Germany because they tried to invade. Before that he repeatedly made attempts to court Nazi Germany. He signed a nonaggression pact, made an agreement to secretly divide Eastern Europe together, and continued trading. Stalin didn’t really give a shit about the fascism part, he only cared once his own territory and sphere of influence were threatened. Same as all the other major allies, btw. Everyone tried appeasement first, nobody really cared about the fascism.
“Saving Europe from Hitler” paints it as a selfless act of heroism when really everyone was mostly concerned with maintaining their own power.
You’re replying to a .ml. Just save your energy, they’re not worth talking to.
LOL. Most of you couldn’t stop yourselves if you wanted to.
Stalin was good at war, bad at economics, but wanted total control.
It’s ok to say Russia fighting Germany helped defeat Hitler.
It’s weird to try to turn histoical fact into a subjective argument. And only helps our owners sow dissent.
You’re better than these lazy reactionist takes
No, I’m painting a bad analogy as bad. Do better!
Stalin did not save Europe. He took what he wanted to create the regressive Warsaw Pact. The Bolshevik bastard was on the same level as the fuck nut Hitler.