I don’t know if I’m going crazy but looking at the current situation in the world … please tell me that I’m overexagurating
No thanks. Appreciate the offer though, very kind of you.
I think it il depend on the military industrial complex in the USA and whether they decide to off Trump or not. If Trump goes isolationist then they’ll probably merc him. If he invades Panama and starts a hot war with Iran then there probably won’t be a world war (ironically). If China invades Taiwan and the US blinks then there won’t be a world war. If the US attacks China for taking over Taiwan then we’ll be in a world war.
I’ve been expecting WW3 since 1983.
Only Wiseman in the thread.
Maybe next decade, doubt it will be the next 2 years.
I assume the time span was because of a certain penis potato. Sorry, I mean dictator.
There are bad things happening in the world, conflicts, ecological disasters, economic upheavels, and political upheavals. It’s easy to look at these bad things and assume things are much worse than they are. Nobody wants there to be a world war 3.
Very likely, yes.
I think that the true world war 3 will not be nations against nations, but citizens against their own nations. The stage is set for an actual paradigm shift or system annihilation. We will not support civilization if it doesn’t change, either the people destroy the pyramid or the pyramid will destroy the world.
The world as we know it
I kinda doubt that will happen. For instance, look at Venezuela: Venezuelans are beyond fed up with Maduro’s dictatorship, but there’s nothing they can do against the government forces.
Governments will do anything they can to prevent a paradigm change.
Westerners sure do seem to think they know the feelings of citizens of other countries better than those citizens themselves.
Is it really a dictatorship?
Well they elected a president the West doesn’t like, so yes.
Absolutely, yes.
Wasn’t their current president a bus driver who rose up through politics? I had seen a mention of that in some online discussion.
Also, that the USAmerican govt has issues with Venezuela nationalising their oil and acting as a competitor to the petro-dolla system
So would they just be a adversary country, which may likely be conservative, rather than a dictatorial one?
Bus drivers can be dictators as well. It’s less about the person and more about the political situation. In Venezuelas case oppression of the opposition and unfair elections
You must mean venezuelans living in the US. Maduro won elections in Venezuela.
Yeah, the rigged ones lol. There’s even mathematical evidence of it being rigged, with votes accounting for exact percentages with just 2 decimal places, for every single candidate.
Venezuela hasn’t publish the official acts, nor let international observers be present in the elections. There was heavy repression on elections day as well, plus some offices not letting people vote.
Venezuela has been hurt by sanctions because the government was helping the people. The wealthy people of Venezuela don’t like the government because it is more socialist.
It is the poorer population that suffers the most. That’s the reason Venezuela has such a big emigration crisis, and every latinamerican country has also seen such a massive influx of poor emigrants. I experience this firsthand, almost daily.
It is not rich people that the militia constantly murders/kidnap.
It’s also difficult to get an honest picture of what is happening there as pretty much all western media has blatantly supported the more than a dozen coup attempts by the USA since 2000 alone. Folks who are able to get out are also biased in one way or another. We can empathize with their lived experience and try to help the immigrants without taking their personal experience to be the absolute truth of the experiences of all Venezuelans. But again, most of the issues that affect the citizens are directly caused by US sanctions, not Maduro or the government.
I can believe that the poor folks would suffer the most so I can’t disagree with you there, but Venezuela is a bad comparison to make, per your original comment I posted to, as far as the point you were trying to make on the orginal thread topic.
It is not my intention to be rude. I’m from Colombia, follow Venezuela’s status closely (from media on a broad range of the political spectrum) see Venezuelan emmigrants daily and have met quite a few Venezuelans, and yet Lemmy is the only place I’ve ever seen with people really convinced that Venezuelans love Maduro, and the current situation of the country is because of the sanctions.
It feels almost surreal, and reminds me when some people on Reddit were convinced they knew better than me what’s my country’s political status, all while mistakenly calling the country “Columbia”.
I’m not trying to argue that you should blindly trust my opinions here, but really, really, Venezuela is in a bad spot, nobody likes Maduro’s dictatorship, and the sanctions are not the main causes of any of that (but they do help). Either that or somehow almost everybody in whole Latin American has a very biased opinion from first-hand experiences, and only people from other continents can see that.
It’s laughable to argue that the main source of their economic issues are not the sanctions.
This tells me that you are not arguing in good faith.
You being from Columbia and having met a few Venezuelan immigrants is anecdotal evidence.
I also am friends and know some Venezuelan immigrants.
If someone who went to Harvard and has a trust fund leaves the United States and they tell foreigners what it was like for them growing up, how similar to the average American is their experience… not very similar at all…
We can help the guy from Harvard but his lived experience is not the absolute truth of all Americans……
This is what I mean.
Likewise, if someone was born an orphan in a bankrupt church, their lived experience is not all Americans lived experience…
Edit: it’s also somewhat reasonable to assume that maduro supporters would not be leaving the country
You missed the entire point of the comment by incorrectly calling my country “Columbia”. I don’t even know what to say.
Let’s not waste any of our time and go ask in any Venezuelan forum about the topic.
Nice dodging of all points in the previous post!
Just a thought but in democracies people don’t tend to emigrate when the “other side” wins the election.
What revolution really takes is soldier’s that are protecting the system being unwilling to kill when the “rebels” are their family and friends.
If soldiers have love for the people and see common cause more than they fear their leaders then the leader can fall.
We’ll see about that.
Paint me a picture of what you think that looks like. Here’s my painting: Everybody marches on their capitals, everyone gets gunned down with 30mm cannonfire, the Americans are gunned down holding pistols and rifles everyone else is gunned down holding pitchforks and torches.
who’s doing the gunning? we dont have that many combat robots yet, and i still have hope that communication is open enough and most people aren’t too brainwashed to realize firing on your own countrypeople is bad.
but we better do sonething before these change.
I was picturing Phalanx CWIS. doesn’t take much mampower to run one of those.
Guerrilla tactics work, no one is ever gonna just randomly storm the capitals, that’s just kind of naive and reductive
We already are, just in a smaller scale than ww1 and 2
In the previous world wars there were various alliances between many countries, but eventually two sides emerged. If you see two clear sides engaging in active warfare against each other, you’ll know that WW3 has started. At the moment, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Seems to me that there are a bunch of disconnected conflicts going on, but the big picture of a proper world war hasn’t really emerged yet.
I see two clear sides engaging in numerous proxy wars with eachother at the very least. I wouldn’t call it comparable to either world wars yet but it puts me on my toes
Actually now that you put it that way, this is beginning to sound a lot like the cold war.
Thankfully nukes exist = (war on a big enough scale = mutual destruction (the people in power want to keep their position))
Could already be going. We didn’t name them World War 1 and World War 2 until after they were over
Yeah, I’d tend to agree. The war is digital and economic. Countries are hacking each other’s infrastructure and commercial systems, mass propaganda and spying with troll farms, tiktok and even hardware. Plenty of fighting with sanctions, tariffs, bans of sales of technology.
Fighting for land right now is really unnecessary, however depending on how well humanity survives climate change I’d expect to see some arguments going in to drilling and mining places like Greenland, the arctic and antarctic. China is already setting up shop in Antarctica.
We are also all tied together economically in so many different ways that a war between major powers would be economically devastating for everyone before the first shot is fired, particularly for the countries that ceded most of their production to other countries that might be hostile in war.
Is already going for the last 10 years.
No I really don’t I see water wars and cold war style espionage but no WW2 style conflict. But I also think we will have Societal collapse by 2030 due to climate change and being unable to grow food. Honestly after Cheeto got reelected I have just gone numb to all the of it. I am savoring each day.
I hug my love ones just a little longer than I used to. I write a log of each day to I remember it a little better. I have made a bucket list and I’m trying to check off as much as possible. But even with all that I sometimes catch myself mourning the earth. Also it’s good to video your love ones it’s awkward but it will be nice to hear their voice when you can’t anymore.
Defeated resignation is romantic and all but maybe we ought to use this energy to tear down the system before it destroys us. Get organized with a revolutionary party, yesterday. Nothing was ever fixed by sitting around feeling sorry for yourself.
No you are right if it was just a country’s policy that could be reversed that would be one thing but we already hit 1.5C and even if stopped everything today it’s going to be rough but we are not stopping everything today. We are going to accelerate for the next 4 years to make old rich people even richer. The climate doesn’t stop on a dime if we stop at 3C it will coast on its own to 4C. Also I do help where I can to ease the suffering around me. I donate $300 a month to my local food bank it’s not much but they tell me that’s feeds 20 people. I am part of a Mutual Aid Network. I still help I just have switched my energy from trying to change things to just harm reduction. Kind of like human civilization is on hospice and I’m the nurse that is just giving them morphine.
Note I do this as a disabled veteran that needs a certain medicine in order to live. Once that med can’t be made I become confined to my bed then die a little after.
That’s fair enough, what you’re doing is already far more than most people. That’s awesome. Just trying to show the audience out there that there is more to be done, we can’t allow defeatism to suppress activism in a country where fervent, unrelenting activism is the only way shit gets done 💪
No you are 100% right I should probably delete my post to not put more of that out in the world. Or change it to be more what my main focus is spend time with the people you love as we don’t have much time left but I guess that could be about anything we could get by a bus at any moment.
According to the Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, we are closer to nuclear war now than ever in history. Closer than when boomers were doing school duck and cover drills.
2024 Doomsday Clock Statement: A moment of historic danger: It is still 90 seconds to midnight
1 to 2 years no. Next decade sure. The super powers are isolating themselves as their economies become less entwined I expect something to happen.