Per the title, is Lemmy actually growing, or will it stagnate and fade into obscurity like many other similar discussion boards?
Per the title, is Lemmy actually growing, or will it stagnate and fade into obscurity like many other similar discussion boards?
I was about to agree with you and then add that people like me who more lurk and upvote may count as inactive because we don’t comment or post much. I just noticed that the chart only shows up to November of last year. I suspect several new people such as myself have finally found Lemmy given all that is going on and we’ll see that in the charts in a couple months.
I’m pretty sure that votes count towards the MAU.
I believe that the newest Lemmy versions count up/down voting as ‘active’
I am also more of a lurker, but try to comment occasionally to get into the statistics. (Done for this week!)
Lurkers unite!
At the back of the community.
Where we watch and only occasionally post the odd comment… When we feel like it. Maybe tomorrow.