• MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    I have a 20 series card, albeit one of the higher tier ones, and I probably won’t be upgrading this year. I probably also won’t be playing any new AAA titles either.

    It’s fine to have an older card, but nobody in that position should be expecting to play the latest and greatest games at reasonable framerates, if at all.

    It is the way of things.

    I am personally rather miffed about the fact that if you want any performance from a GPU, you basically need to spend $800+. Even though some cards are saying they’re available for less, they almost never are, either due to scalping or greed (which are kind of the same thing), or something else like idiotic tariffs. I don’t have nearly a grand I can burn every year to upgrade my GPU the last GPU I bought was a 1060, and my current card was a gift. I haven’t had a budget for a decent GPU in many, many years.

    When I upgrade, I’m likely going Intel arc, because the value proposition makes sense to me. I can actually spend less than $600 and get a card that will have some reasonable level of performance.

    • kemsat@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      The current Intel GPUs aren’t better than a RTX 2070, so that won’t be an upgrade if you’re on a higher tier 2000 series.

      I just went up to a 4070 Ti from a 2080 Ti, because it was the only worthwhile upgrade. $660 used. So you don’t need to spend $800.

      • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.ca
        2 months ago

        Yeah, the gifted card I’m using is a 2080 Ti. My friend that gifted it, went from a dual 2080 ti SLI setup to a 4090 IIRC, he kept one for his old system so it’s still useful, but gave me one of the two since SLI is dead and he doesn’t need the extra card in a system he’s not frequently using.

        11G of memory is an odd choice, but it was a huge uplift from the 3G I was using before then. I had a super budget GTX 1060 3G (I think it was made by palit?) before.

        I still have to play on modest settings for anything modern, but my only real challenge has been feeding it with fresh air. My PC case puts the GPU on a riser with front to back airflow and very little space front-back and top/bottom. The card uses a side intake, which is fairly typical for GPUs, which is basically starved for air if I install the card normally. For now, I’ve got it on a riser, sitting on top of the system with the cover off, so my GPU is in open air. Not ideal. I need to work on a better solution… But it works great otherwise.

      • DacoTaco@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Euh, no. The intel battlemage cards are way way better than rtx 2070. They even beat the 4060… For 250$.
        Intel battlemage gpu’s are really good cards if you dont need pure, raw, power because everything must be in 4k and on ultra etc.
        Which is a good value since that raw, pure, power comes with an electricity bill i would not want to pay

        • kemsat@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Yeah, I got the cards wrong. They are around a 2080, which is around the same as a 4060. Still not much of an upgrade from an upper end 2000 series, which to me is 2070 and up.

          • DacoTaco@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            I would actually want to see the actual performance differences, because the intel cards have a way faster memory bandwidth which is giving them the performance. Still, 250 for 4060 performance ( which is way way more ) is one hell of a good deal in comparison