Almost all the links in my front homepage are sponsored now. What’s next, a few ads in the bookmark bar? How about when I enter a URL, I then have to type “McDonald’s” before I can actually navigate there?
This is why I torrent firefox pro using Limewire.
You should see brave lol
And Brave has significantly lower costs, given they don’t develop an own engine, but rather just put lipstick onto Chromium.
I bailed on brave when I learned more about the shenanigans that one dude pulled.
Or, ya know, literally any other browser that’s not a fork of Firefox.
I think the downvoters can’t hold these two thoughts in their mind at the same time:
- Firefox is the best browser.
- Firefox has serious problems because Mozilla is a terrible steward of it.
Firefox is the best browser
It’s only real competitors, in my eyes, are Firefox forks.
Let the people downvote. These points don’t matter. I turned off the visibility of points. I am immune, my morale is unbreakable. The downvoters have no power here!
No it’s the complaint about one of the few transparent revenue flows Mozilla managed to pull off.
It’s disabled one step deep on the settings
There is a shitload of stuff going wrong with the Mozilla foundation and this doesn’t even make the top 10.
That’s the reason for my down vote: it’s nothing I want this community to focus on. It’s basically engagement bait with the topic “ads bad”.
Agreed. I love Firefox and don’t really like Mozilla.
@UltraGiGaGigantic Sorry about that, not quite what is expected to happen. I understand that it has been looked into and has now been resolved.
This has been the case for several years. Super easy to turn them off
Cool. Willing to say how or is that a secret?
There is a settings gear icon on that literal page that says customize next to it iirc
In Settings > Home, there’s a Sponsored Shortcuts checkbox.
Thank you.
It’s a secret reserved for smart people
it’s a secret only those who dare venture into the scary “settings menu” can learn about it. most don’t come back alive.
🚀 🕳 🤣
No problem!
Firefox Desktop: Settings - Home panel - uncheck “Sponsored shortcuts” box.
Firefox Mobile: Settings - Homepage - uncheck “Sponsored shortcuts” box.
I don’t mind as those are easy to switch off.
I think the best viable option for them is to either offer a subscription model. Or increase requests for donations.
what would a subscription even do?
Id say support Firefox development, maybe premium access to some of Mozilla’s services, possibly cosmetics in browser
support ff development: thats called donating
premium access to mozillas services: that’s already a thing but you subscribe to each one, like their vpn, pocket, etc
cosmetics in browser: thats just
These can be turned off. Not great that they’re on by default, but you gotta pay the bills somehow right?
Yeah, this is basically the least offensive thing possible that ensures the lights stay on.
Remember when most sites had simple banner ads, and there was no widespread outcry about how much they sucked and we needed ad blocking software? Then they started flashing, then the popups and pop-unders came, then vids started autoplaying, and now here we are.
If advertisers hadn’t gotten greedier than banners on the sides of sites, maybe no one would’ve gotten around to blocking all their shit.
Pop-under ads were obnoxious. As were the popups that were like 1 pixel large but it still had the windows bordering around it.
Nicely said.
The only thing really offensive about it, judging from the post, is that they’re positioned before the user’s pins, not after.
I was okay with it before for that reason, but they went to far (as all eventually do).
Settings -> Homepage:
Uncheck everything “sponsored”.
It’s already done but I appreciate you being helpful. My black heart wiggled one time from the kindness you have shown here today. Peace.
People keep giving Mozilla shit for taking money from Google, yet they see an ad for a different company and lose their shit.
The browser itself is free, and they have to make money somehow to keep the company running (if the CEO didn’t keep most of it for themself). If you don’t like it, you can turn it off or download an ad-free fork.
Name an internet browser that costs money
How much money are they likely to make over a lifetime of a user from the sponsorships. Would FirefoxPro actually be a good idea?
Name an internet browser that’s not rigged to show you adds, or one that doesn’t havest your data.
Y’all can use LibreWolf or BestHomePageEver if it really bugs somebody. I do get being annoyed by shortcut ads though.
I wouldn’t recommend LibreWolf to the average user as they’ll unfoubtedly stretch their attack surface thin.
It’s not gonna make them more exposed than vanilla Firefox
Absolutely, it’s just the browser extensions most end-users want/need that would cause them distress in that regard. It’s simply not as user friendly from what I can recall, it’s been a while since I last used it so it may have improved since then
- AdsPower
- Avira Secure Browser
- Browserjet
- Horse
- Norton Private Browser
- Puffin
- Octobrowser
- Orion Browser
And many, many more.
Microsoft Edge
Honestly, I don’t care. I don’t even look at that stuff, I just type in the bar thing what I want. Mozilla has to fund the project somehow.
Wow, that’s levels of commercial removed that I did not think possible, given how much FF sell themselves as being against this sort of thing.
The best thing about this is that you can turn it off
I thought you said “What’s next, a few ads in the URL bar?” …because Mozilla has put a few ads in the URL bar.
Was trying to reference this
Maybe I should have added a paragraph somewhere in there. I was typing fast because I only get so much time on my break at work.
Your writing is better than serviceable, I just had a brain fart while reading it
And even if you disable this, your address bar still randomly breaks, but instead of suggesting an ad it just doesn’t suggest anything.
Fuck you, Mozilla.
Don’t give them any ideas
Seems fine to me, they need to make money somehow.