I’m dumbstruck as to what to do. The US is building literal concentration camps, and none of my co-workers care at all.
In fairness, I work in healthcare with an almost exclusively cishet white population who are financially well off.
Many of them espouse to be Christians, and no one cares at all that the American government is following the exact playbook from Nazi Germany.
What do you do? How do you make people care before it’s too late?
How do you make people care before it’s too late?
none of my co-workers care
You can’t force another to care. We can educate them with facts and reason while trusting them to make their own choices. And, that isn’t done in a workplace, instead one on one in presence of a human relationship.
But, if you insist, then there’s always a way. Read the Bible as part of a Bible study to develop a nuanced understanding of its message. Relate that message to social democrat, socialist, communist, and anarchist ideology. Determine the relevant Bible passages useful in the specific situations you encounter with specific Christians, then memorize those passages. Then, in full context of Bible and situation, in the moment, quote the passage. Finally, shut up and wait.
To add to this, be sure to wait for the immediate pushback. Stay calm, and understand that this will be a slow burner. Kindness and repeated contacts to the change minds more than one off aggressive arguments.
People have a difficult time changing their points of view, and some people can feel lots of psychological pain during that process.
To help you find an answer i’ll return you the same question: why did you not care about US building concentration camps and following the fascist playbook until now?
What a fucking stupid, useless reply.
less stupid than the one you just made
Do you know that they didn’t?
OP seem to be lamenting only about the “latest” US government policies.
Not sure if youre gonna get blasted when everyone else gets on later, but you’re correct. The US has always done shit like this. Obama and Biden spoiled these people lol.
They’ve been doing this shit for decades. Why all the sudden are you in such a frenzy?
The US has always crossed lines when it comes to treatment of prisoners, but this is different and you know it. Traditionally the US has always been an oligarchy masquerading as a democracy in order to claim legitimacy. Now in under two weeks the Trusk regime has completely restructured everything in an effort to turn all instructions into a manifestation of their will. Mark my words, if you don’t see the difference now, you will soon.
Now it’s even worst ok but we are discussing why people don’t care and my suggestion to find an answer is to think about why you didn’t care in the past when it was bad already.
exclusively cishet white population
Red State? Then don’t bother, nobody would care.
Look up the specific area around your workplace and trump’s margin of victory, and you’ll see just how fucked it is.
Preaching in a red area is a waste of time, I’m telling ya.
Edit: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2025/us/elections/2024-election-map-precinct-results.html
I think this works. Look it up.
Edit 2: Oh wow, my Precinct is more than +50 Harris. Go Philly! I’m glad to know that if a nazi is walking around doing the salute, they getting them ass beat.
Edit 3: HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I looked up my old place in NYC, and wtf a RED WAVE. +20 felon, +30 felon change from 2020. Jesus Fucking Christ. Glad I’m outta that hell.
NYC is so cooked, especially Brooklyn.
Counterpoint, I grew up in a smallish town in Idaho and was still absolutely surrounded by Democrats. State wide, only sixty percent of the voting age population actually turned out, and of those one out of every three people voted against Trump.
Hell, Democrats outnumbered Republicans in some countries and again, this is fucking Idaho.
This means that if you talk to an a Idahoan at random, there is a more than fifty percent chance they either largely already agree with you, or they are largely insulated from and not paying attention to politics and thusly susceptible to being swayed with the right approach and concrete examples of what Trumps doing to fuck them and their friends over specifically.
Left wing ideas and policy are still far more popular among the general public, which is why Republicans have to lie about them constantly.
Look for your local anarchist bookstore, look at what your counties Democrats actually organized, especially things like local pride events, show up, and network/make friends.
As is fun to note, there are more Democrats living in Texas than New York state, so the idea you should just give up on finding any around you because you live in a red state instead of one where the numbers are reversed is honestly rather absurd.
Not everything works out in life.
I wish I knew. People keep telling me to “organize” and “strike”. Like yeah a Walmart full of 60yo conservative white people is going to strike over this, fucking idiot.
Something I’ve had to accept over the course of my life is that the vast majority of humans will passively accept anything as long as they feel like there’s something they can do to not be killed. Only when it feels out of control whether they might be killed will the majority of people feel the need to act and no sooner. There has never been any changing this. Fortunately the vast majority of people are not needed to affect positive change. People who care need to set the tone and followers will follow as they do. Your efforts would be better served among people actively resisting or building structures that benefit people.
People talking about people about concentration camps after Democrats have supported a genocide campaign in a concentration camp for more than a year.
You can tell OP does not believe any person outside of America is human.
I have just creeped this womans ENTIRE POST HISTORY back to the beginning and there is not SHIT to support this narrative you awful fucking little goblin. She has posted NOTHING that I saw even vaguely political (at a skim) to suggest she vocally supported the excesses of the IDF, sick inadequacy of the Biden administration, or anything except generic girl stuff. What the FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU. I am more of a regime whore than she is. Get a fucking grip .mls.
The fucks that left unity you assholes use to browbeat anarchists with?
To be frank I know this is a bad faith poster so I don’t value them or anything they have to say in response. This is what blocklists are for. I am pointing this dog shit out for the rest of you. WHAT IS THIS? Because it looks purposelessly cynical and divisive for the sake of keeping people down and tired. Almost state-actor like, if I may be so bold.
deleted by creator
I did not check their post history.
I simply read the post and concluded if this is the point OP starts caring about concentration camps they have either been tuned out for the past 1.5 years or they need to rethink a lot of things.
You do understand that it’s possible to oppose genocide on principle wherever it happens and to still be able think it’s alarming when it escalates further, right?
You are entirely missing the point.
Being surprised the average American is fully on board with concentration camps and genocide should not come as a surprise anymore.
Yeah okay, I get that.
You can tell OP does not believe any person outside of America is human.
You did a lot more than conclude they have either been tuned out or need to re-think some things, and you know it.
Get out of here with that "If you’re not vocally against every evil at all times… " bullshit. It’s got the same energy as injecting “but what about men?” into every conversation about women’s problems.
No. This is pointing out that there have been concentration camps and extermination for a year and a half and people have not cared for a year and a half.
Weird point to start noticing that people do not care.
I think a better question is, how do we make our elected representatives care? (The answer, of course, is by not electing a**holes, but that’s not going to happen until people really start to suffer).
Suburban white trash thinks they won’t get hurt by this lol
They think they are on “the team”
But George Carlin called decades ago… There is a club and these idiots are too stupid to figure out they are not in it.
I don’t do anything particular, I guess
I spend a good amount of energy trying to explain the merits of Marxism-Leninism and Leftism in general on Lemmy (and IRL, though that’s much trickier). Ultimately, you can’t make someone care. You can’t convince people of something they choose not to want to believe, either, no matter how much evidence you throw at them. Roderic Day wrote a great article titled Masses, Elites, and Rebels: The Theory of “Brainwashing” that perfectly encapsulates this process. People license themselves to believe whatever it is that they believe benefits themselves, regardless of evidence or empathy.
What you can do, however, is explain the merits of that which you believe in, and this is far more effective with people already targeted by the current system. Those closest to the edge, those radicalized by their conditions but not yet organized or versed in theory, are the perfect people to talk to. The effort required to gain an ally in that sense is far less than someone who is convinced that the system is fine, but just needs a little tweaking. Building strength through organization helps legitimize your positions and expands the circle, so to speak, by moving the “line of radicalization” further. Person A, who believes the system is fine but needs tweaks, goes from comfortably mainstream into the new line of radicalization, one step away from working to supplant the system, when those who were radicalized near them organize.
Further still, as conditions deteriorate, more people are impacted and more people are radicalized. This is both good and bad, bad in the sense that more are affected by the evils in society to a greater degree, but with the good being further chance of organization.
Just my 2 cents as someone who has spoken with many different people about Marxism.
Thank you.
No problem!
I think people tend to have a very narrow view of what goes on around them. And frankly, I don’t think that’s really a bad thing. Everyone does it. It’s just a fact of life. But we have to account for it. Talking about big-picture issues doesn’t work when people are focused their narrow view of the world. Even if they agree with the issue, they won’t be riled up and take action. I think there’s 2 takeaways to this:
First, regarding talking to the people around you: narrow your focus. Focus on things that affect them directly, or frame things in a way such that they interpret it in a way that affects them. Don’t talk about concentration camps, talk about Trump retroactively rescinding birthright citizenship and how that might affect their lives (especially effective if that person happens to be an ethnic minority or is in a relationship with one). When talking about anti-immigration policies, focus on ICE arresting American citizens because they didn’t look American enough. You don’t have to convince people of everything, you just have to convince people of enough that they feel personally concerned.
Second, regarding yourself: it’s easy to think that all Americans are similar to the people that you’re with. Society is a bell curve. You don’t need to shift the entire bell curve to the left to exact change. You just need to stretch it out leftward - pull the left leaning people more to the left. Trump didn’t win by convincing leftists to be right-leaning, he won by convincing the right-leaning moderates into shifting right. Consider the audience and pick arguments that would be most effective against that particular audience. Be more direct toward more left-leaning people. Republican? Sow seeds of suspicion toward Trump. Moderate? Make them fear for their way of life. Left-leaning moderate? Maybe we should punish the rich. Leftist? Hell yeah socialism baby
As someone in a similar environment, there are others who care. It just isn’t worth the risk to my job & professional relationships to talk about. Most people who don’t care I won’t sway anyways and anyone who does care doesn’t need to talk to me. So, for the betterment of my family, I stay quiet at work. Outside of work though I’ll talk to my friends & anyone who will listen about the risks of the current regime.
People won’t care until negative things start effecting them. Even at that point, many will still deny negative things are happening or they will put the blame somewhere else. This is why I believe things are going to have to get bad, really bad, before they can turn around. The biggest thing to go bad would be the economy. An economy so bad would be hard to deny and live with. Unfortunately, the more money you have, the longer you can “deal with” a bad economy, and still think everything is okay.
That is a particular subset. There are people who see nothing g bad happening to themselves, but do have their eyes open and see the bad things happening around them. But, again, they are ready and primed.
It is much the same as addiction counseling: until people are primed to change, there is little to do but leave your hand out stretched, not pushing any further than that.
Even at that point, many will still deny negative things are happening or they will put the blame somewhere else.
My daddy is good, he would never hurt me, he only hurts people who are “illegal” 🤡
The Nazis started under MUCH different circumstances. Also constantly comparing everyone and everything to “Nazis” makes you sound hysterical.
How were the circumstances “MUCH different”? Do you think the Nazis happened overnight? Are you not aware of who they targeted first (trans people)?
Read about the Weimar government, the economic crash, the street battles and the Freikorps, etc. Btw they targeted Jews and Communists first.