The new Cold War is a business opportunity, and Mexico looks better placed than almost any other country to seize it.

US-China tensions are rewiring global trade, as the US seeks to reduce supply-chain reliance on geopolitical rivals and also source imports from closer to home. Mexico appeals on both counts—which is one reason it’s just overtaken China as the biggest supplier of goods to the giant customer next door.

On top of resurgent exports, Mexico boasts the world’s strongest currency this year and one of the best-performing stock markets. Foreign direct investment is already up more than 40% in 2023, even before Tesla Inc. starts building a proposed $5 billion factory. Not since the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement in the 1990s has the country held the kind of allure for investors that it has right now.

    1 year ago

    Honestly, with the way Mexicos leadership/politics and economy is heading, it’s positioned to be a decent power, and potentially be a more desirable location to live than the US sometime in the next century. Big fan of AMLO and hope he is setting them on a good trend. It’s probably only a matter of time before the US intervenes and makes sure they don’t go too far left though, so maybe I shouldn’t get my hopes up.

      1 year ago

      Hard pass.

      Violence is beyond Afghanistan levels. I just came from there. The country is declining rapidly. Truckers are robbed and killed in main highways every day in broad daylight. Hours upon hours of waiting in traffic because cartel blockades or protests against them, with little show of the National Guard. Pollution is horrendous. Small towns seemed abandoned.


      I hope the US is willing to protect its investments there.