Its attatched to the toilet paper dispenser. Ive literally looked at it multiple times a day for like 10 months and my brain never noticed
Anyone else feel like theyre one step from being blind? I always lose so much shit in plain site. Sometimes I leave a wallet on my desk, which I use daily, and I can’t find it for days. I’ll even MOVE IT and not realize its my wallet.
I got that ADHD where after walking though someone’s house once I’ll hear them say something like “man I haven’t seen my X in awhile” and I’ll immediately go “it’s under the pile of magazines by the shelves”.
I can’t remember anyones birthdays or my own fuckin social security number when I need to, but I remember seeing some random objects after only being in a room once. Three months ago.
Sometimes I get stuff like that too, where I remember some incredibly obscure shit, but can’t recite my SSN sometimes.
We dont have to luxury to choose what we want to remember.
And it’s not as reliable or “always on” as those people with photographic memory either lol.
It’s like trying to store data with randomly bad sectors so we just end up with all this half complete gibberish at times haha
ADHD could be renamed all-or-nothing-disorder and I’d feel it’s still accurate lol. Memory especially for me always feels like it’s either scary good or useless. Working memory definitely suffers the worst.
All-or-nothing is a great way of putting it. I have a ton of information in my head but it only sticks if it is of particular interest to me. Getting information to stick that I don’t give a crap about takes ages. It took me till I was probably 25 until I fully memorized my SSN. Even then I still forget it all the time. I remember the last 4 consistently but the whole thing I still have to double check lol.
I remember license plate numbers but not names
My dyslexia could never.
I can’t remember names or license plate numbers lol. Thank God for dash cams I guess lol
I can’t spell or use grammar to save my life. I also have terrible hand writing and struggle to read out loud.
But somehow though all of that I can remember license plates. I suppose it is because it is a special interest at this point. I read all of the license plates in public.
So you go, “Hey ASSMAN!”?
Yes, but that’s unrelated.
And not right away it needs to be 3 months ago too.
Gotta give the tism time to work it’s magic lol