As a result, our instance got 625 new user registrations (of which 536 where accepted) in the past 24 hours! And the registrations are not abating even now. We still get like 10 new ones per hour!
I suspect this is probably the largest advertisement, for lemmy specifically, since the main reddit blackouts 1.5 years ago.
Have your own instances also seen an influx of new users?
That’ll teach em! You can’t just sign up, first you gotta read some 20 minute long post from
Are you allergic to reading ?
A lot of people are.
:motions at trillions of times people that signed up for Fb, Ig, Twit, TkTk, etc/everything without reading the Terms of Service:
Nah mate, most of us are autistic Linux home user scientist egg head engineers like you
Are you making fun of autism ?
Nobody is forcing you but you should really consider investing 20 minutes in learning how lemmy is different. You may think it’s not that serious but look at where popular centralized platforms are heading to, now that bad actors are taking full control the problem cannot be ignored