I don’t think the expert is the problem here, during the election he wrote an opinion column titled “Democrats’ Unquestioning Support of Israeli War Crimes Puts 2024 at Increasing Risk”, it’s just that this news source has decided there’s more clicks in selling a “you didn’t do anything wrong my dear white affluent college educated liberal readers, it was those stupid fucking brown people” narrative to the 1996 crime bill defenders of the world
Haha okay. Next time try telling Democrats to make concessions to voters. Voters are too stupid to understand the lesser evil you keep talking about :)
“Expert” recites Democrat propaganda about blaming voters. Choir laps it up
Is this expert as expertly as Democrat campaign leaders?
I don’t think the expert is the problem here, during the election he wrote an opinion column titled “Democrats’ Unquestioning Support of Israeli War Crimes Puts 2024 at Increasing Risk”, it’s just that this news source has decided there’s more clicks in selling a “you didn’t do anything wrong my dear white affluent college educated liberal readers, it was those stupid fucking brown people” narrative to the 1996 crime bill defenders of the world
I love how in your opls minds the onus is always on the Dems to be perfect on every issue exactly how you want…or else you’re gonna help the GOP win.
Every fucking election you rubes let perfect be the enemy of good.
Haha okay. Next time try telling Democrats to make concessions to voters. Voters are too stupid to understand the lesser evil you keep talking about :)
You got duped!