State Rep. Laurie Pohutsky’s account was cheered by the left-leaning protestors and condemned by right-wing social media accounts.
The 36-year-old Democrat said the surgery was a personal decision she had been considering for a few years and was finalized by Trump’s election. She wanted to validate the fears other women might have about access to contraception by sharing it.
She told The Associated Press that she has received threats since speaking this week, referring at least one of them to Michigan authorities. The Associated Press reached out to Michigan State police for comment.
“I don’t fully grasp the level of animosity that people have about this,” Pohutsky said.
Some of the craziest do care about making babies. They think the white race is being outbred into extinction. They are fucking nuts.
Ask them if being a minority a bad thing? Their mental gymnastics almost causes them aneurysms.
They fully believe that being a minority is a bad thing and that whites are superior, they just don’t want to get in trouble for saying it out loud.
Yet they fail to realize the solution is to make it more affordable to have babies
Helping others sounds like communism.
If you make it more affordable then the poors (brown people) will have more babies and that’s the opposite of what they want.
I will happily do my part to help along white genocide
Equal-opportunity genocide, just as the founding fathers intended.
It sure ain’t, but if we ever manage to interbreed away the very concept of race, then good riddance. Us white people were never special.
Well, we’re good at vitamin D during gloomy winter months. That’s about it.
We got pills for that now
What’s funny is I’m pale as shit and on said pills!
One race. American
If they hate non-whites so much they should actually encourage “race mixing”. I am a brown Asian and I have many cousins who are white. Basically pale white skin and blond hair. Just after two generations of mixing with white people most Asian features are gone only people who grew up with hapas can see that they are mixed.
In a white majority society “race mixing” will lead to more white people not less.
The problem is, they see white blood as “pure” and non-white blood as “tainted”. It doesn’t matter if your cousins are white-passing; in their eyes, they’re still lesser beings because they share heritage with you.
It’s a really fucking gross ideology.
It also leads to healthier offspring too, but that’s another story.
I have a buddy who has a baby with a very dark black woman and the baby popped out as white as a snow flake, blue eyes, blonde hair. Its wild, whitest looking kid I have ever seen.
My ex went through a horrible racist phase and decided I was “muddying his bloodline” because I did not “breed true” like a fucking purebred dog or something - our kids all came out looking different from each other (I am very fair and blue eyed, but more mixed background)
And I don’t think he even knew his own background and has a half native half sister, so I don’t understand how he could 1. Decide that I was not white and he was, and 2. Be racist at all like that without being mad at his mom.
It’s all so illogical, just a pretext for hate and blame.
Phase? Did he stop being racist?
Not entirely, he’s from Michigan and grew up in a much more segregated environment, but he hit bottom a few years after we split, quit drinking and straightened out a lot.
The concept of race was forged by white supremacists. Good luck breeding that shit away.
Do you really think race and racism wasn’t a thing outside Europe? In India? Japan? Etc?
People are very tribal.
Prejudice, yes.
There’s a thread of truth to what they say. Humans are tribal, but that doesn’t mean that what we use as in group and out group signifiers is universal and lines up with western European racial boundaries.
In some cases, existing group divisions were altered to fit with other peoples notions about how it should work:
In Africa, certain ethnic groups defined themselves based on language and a rough “wide or narrow” metric. Talk or short, skinny or stocky, wide nose or thin. Etc. it’s like a racial categorization from the west, but it uses features that we don’t usually use , and only became overt once it was used by colonial powers to classify people and assign social status.
Point being that “I don’t know you so I don’t trust you” is a human tendency, but race and racism as we would recognize the terms are not, they’re just a specific instance.