“Fasting.” Blackburn is a city that is 30% Muslim and this building is far more than 30% Muslim based on who I’ve seen in it. They’re complaining that they’re making people, including the elderly, climb up multiple flights of stairs while they fast. And I sympathize despite being an atheist with no Muslims in my family.
I think it was some poorly-worded hyperbole. A lot of the people here are not native English speakers, so I’m guessing they were trying to poetically say “you’re killing us!”
“Fasting.” Blackburn is a city that is 30% Muslim and this building is far more than 30% Muslim based on who I’ve seen in it. They’re complaining that they’re making people, including the elderly, climb up multiple flights of stairs while they fast. And I sympathize despite being an atheist with no Muslims in my family.
I thought “slow poisoning” said “sin posturing” and was very confused.
Fasting (for Ramadan)
Not sure about “slow poisoning”
I think it was some poorly-worded hyperbole. A lot of the people here are not native English speakers, so I’m guessing they were trying to poetically say “you’re killing us!”
That’s what I got as well. I had so many questions.