Like you’ve seen everything and now you can only experience things you’ve already experienced.
No. I’ve completed my personal bucket list though, so I’m never in a great rush to do things these days.
I’ve only been to 8 countries, so no.
I been traveling for a long time. The magic is gone, McDonald’s is global. All the woman try to look like Kim Kardashian. All the men wanna drive the same cars and wear the same designer clothes. They all peddle the same corporate constructed music. Everyone watches the same shit on Instagram/TikTok and goes and stands in lines to take a dumb ass selfie. Everyone speaks google translate. Now excuse me I need to google map a restaurant for dinner.
lol, you aren’t traveling to the right places or something, or I think more likely you’re depressed if you feel this way.
There have always been trends and conformity throughout human history. 🤷♂️
Im no big on new experiences. I like being content. Like a cat. I could never tire of walks or biking or gardening or relaxing or having a hot bath or whatever. I am sad for this world and where its going and even more so that it is my kind. Humanity. Driving it there. Nature is beautiful and terrifying and amazing. I very much appreciate I got to experience this timespace and yet do not want to be of this world.
You are me. And I also like cats and dogs and have a nice flower garden.
dogs right next to me right now but my wife is allergic so have had no cats in decades. sigh.
The opposite. I’m afraid I will waste my life procrastinating, not even being aware of what it has to offer.
this is the wildest statement i’ve seen all month
the breadth and depth of the experiences that life has to offer is unfathomable. do not be so brazen to assume you have experienced even a tiny drop of vast ocean of what humans have actually lived through
From suicide in the trenches to the raising of a child; from gazing upon Earth from space to hunting a predator with a spear; from meditating in silence for weeks to leading a entire nation through a crisis; from winning a chess tournament to starting a business—and losing it all in a bankruptcy—existence is infinite, or may as well be.
think of it this way
there are 52 cards in a deck. that means every single deck has a specific order, right? what are the chances of you getting one specific order of cards if you shuffle? Well, how many different combinations are there? 52! ( ! means both factorial and emphasis here)
That’s 52 × 51 x 50 … all the way to × 2 × 1
That’s 8x10⁶⁷
That’s 8 with 67 zeros. Here
For reference… the number of seconds since the Big Bang is estimated to be about 4×10¹⁷
Now think of your life and human life in general. Think of all the variables. Hell, there are 7 days in a week. 52 weeks in a year. Coincidentally the same as a deck of cards.
If you do something different every week, there are going to be 8000000000… different ways your year could turn out.
So, please do not fall victim to this type of irrational thought. I’m not sure if it’s arrogance, depression, or something else leading to that delusion, but it’s a wild statement—absolutely nuts
Meaningfull differences? Who cares how many losing combination of cards you can randomize? There are only fifty-two cards and technically their are only 13 cards ace thru king. To me your argument translates to “look at that dead black kitten, you haven’t seen that yesterday it was a dead white kitten.” Lulz
i’m kind of lost on how to respond to this. we weren’t talking about games, the card analogy was to show that even with a relatively small set of starting conditions you can get to relatively absurd possibilities very quickly. it was to highlight the chaos theory that rules our lives.
the OP wasn’t about winning or losing anything, it was about “having experienced all life has to offer”. that would necessarily include both winning and losing combinations, no matter your subjective definition of “winning” or “losing”
and even having said all that and to follow your analogy- there are many games where drawing a face card (a-k) is a bad thing.
you ever play rummy? you want the least amount of points at the end of the round and face cards are worth more points.
you can make a straight flush with a 2 3 4 5 6 in poker, a face card can be enough to bust you in blackjack, etc.
i find life so unsatisfying that if, when i die, the afterlife has any resemblance AT ALL to this current reality, i am going to be fucking pissed.
like, any version of occupying a physical body in some sort of 3-dimensional space and surrounded by other physical beings is just, so… ugh.
i am over it.
Hood news. The afterlife is the same thing as the before life. Remember that? The 4 biillion odd years or so before you existed? Exactly.
Pre-universe non-existence: “Am I a joke to you?”
What percentage of people do you think on earth have the magic glass connecting them instantly with each other and their shitty lowest common denominator ideas? Of the people who don’t have the magic glass, I’d still wager they are all very similar: hunt, gather, shelter. So I will agree there are two archetypes. Magic glass slaves and people who only have time for survival. Tear the blindfold back face reality all humans are the same, or take the blue pill and wake up in your bed… Also you think a guy named alcoholic could be depressed lol in this world I’d imagine that is the correct state and perhaps we are over prescribed happy pills and pushed distractions to keep society fat dumb and “happy”.
People only with time for survival often have more spare time than magic glass people.
Idk buddy I never seen a fat survival person, I think that is a harder life than you think. Just because they have to rest doesn’t means it’s relaxing.
Get into folkloristics, it’s pretty fun. You can get into all the Slenderman stuff because it’s literally untapped mystery you can’t just rely on secondhand sources, all the research is centered on one controversy that somehow killed his popularity but not every other religion. My “job” (it’s a hobby) is basically having to read the hundreds of all the Slenderman blog ARGs ranging from 2009 to the present day, as well as all the freaking Slenderman and Creepypasta comics. It’s just interesting how religious patterns emerge out of something spontaneously created on the internet, like Zalgo vs Slenderman having parallels with every other religion with “divine rivalry”. Interesting anthropological subject.
Or you can read world history that isn’t just Eurocentric stuff. Hell, I bet most people don’t know European History in depth. You can even get into scholarly theology, from Christianity to Hinduism (which btw, is more of an umbrella term as it is composed of multiple religions). Read philosophies like Confucianism, which will help you understand a bit of Chinese culture.
No, in fact I feel like I could be immortal and still never reach that point.
God, same
Not really? Always something else beyond the horizon.
One one level, obviously you can never experience everything, the world is fricking massive and ever-changing. But you can feel like you’ve seen and done everything that interests you, and find it hard to remain curious and develop new interests. There have been times that I think the only interests and goals that will ever feel relevant to me are ones that I’ve had since I was a kid. But even “eating yummy food, playing games and reading fantasy books” is more than enough to fill my entire life.
When I’ve been lucky enough to have the time, I’ve filled many hours, day after day, cooking delicious meals and trying new things in the kitchen, and the list of things I want to try expands just as fast as I tick them off. Similarly, although I’ve read countless fantasy novels over the decades I’ve only just got round to reading classics like Conan and Elric, and there’s so much more out there - and people write more books every year!
But there are times when I can’t face new challenges, and I retreat to the easy comfort of things I know. This can be reassuring and restful, but if I get to the stage where I’m sick of watching the same show I’ve seen so many times, then I know it’s time for me to start pushing myself to try new things and develop new tastes (even if it’s just subvarieties of things I already like). And if I don’t feel up to that, it means I need to get some support and help to improve my mood and clear my thinking.
Yes and no. There’s always new ways to experience things. I just saw a great concert last night. I knew all the songs, but the presentation changed. People are always creating.
Yes, you probably should get some therapy about it.
Not even close. Too many things to learn, too many things you can get good at, not enough time to do them all.
OP, just how wealthy are you? This is a very rich person assessment to make.
I make $700 a week at Amazon and $200 a week with DoorDash but I still don’t have my own apartment. On the plus side I have several months of expenses saved so I can take days off anytime (amazon is flexible as hell) but I really need to live alone where I can optimize my life for maximum peace and receive mail in my legal name. I really want (and need) to live in an apartment close enough to my warehouse that I can walk, bike, or ride public transit for less than 30 minutes. Preferably riding a bike or escooter in the early afternoon like whooooooosh
I’m not broke but I’m not ultra I Can’t See The Ground From My Window And My Dog Is My Alarm Clock rich. Not yet anyway, I will not stop trying to make money until I live in a multimillion dollar palace in the sky with like 10 bedrooms that are all mine, my animals’, and my husband’s.
Tl;dr I make $700 weekly and more if the stars align
You haven’t even bought a house.
Seen everything, my ass. You’re fucking bored, go do some shit.
Do what? All my hobbies feel like unpaid work and actual work feels like the last remotely fulfilling thing in my life.
Zen mind, Beginners mind
Is that any of that meditation nonsense that shit just backfires and makes me ruminate more
Sounds more like youre spinning wheels than experiencing life. Maybe you should try that. Go muddin, spin some wheels, hang out with your inner child, be your true self, buy some guns, overthrow the government, write a book about it and get laid in the garden.