Brings me joy, tbh.
How else do I get my £ back?
One time someone gave us a free cart at Aldi and my wife took the quarter instead of paying it forward. This is the worst thing she has ever done as far as I can tell.
I wish this was a thing outside Alidi in the US
How else do i get my tenth of a £ back?
I don’t take the cart out of the store anymore. I really can’t afford that many groceries.
I just put it in my backpack and walk past the register without paying
/jk I wish I had the confidence to do that
Same, haven’t used a cart (besides Costco where I just can’t lift any product they have long enough to check out) in years. Well I suppose I haven’t been to Costco in years either but x >> y in this description.
One time I didn’t return the cart at Aldi.
I still think about that a decade later.
Because that haunts me I always put the cart back no matter what
For those that don’t know you have to put a quarter in to use a cart and you get it back when you put it away which means there are never stray carts anywhere. People want their money back.
I look for someone coming in to give mine too, as do many others.
It’s worse than that. I shoved it up on the curb and left. Like you see at any other store.
Why can’t we have new memes? Why do we have to stick with white supremacists imagery? This meme works without those tired as faces.
Not only do I put my cart away, I will take a few extra seconds to organize a couple carts that have just been pushed in all willy nilly (my grocery store has 2 sizes of cart). Like if I can take 30 seconds out of my life to make some else’s day just a little bit easier, I definitely will.
Is this some sort of american meme that I am too rich to understand?
It is the first way to differentiate between decent people and ambulatory piles of garbage.
Not just American. Increasingly common in the UK too.
Yeah, if only.
That looks like British Isles Island #3 to me.
Dang dude that Wojack character went straight to Woah, Jack
joke’s on you, i use a shopping bag
Well, put your bag back in the bag corral.
i bring the bag from home.
Star Trek: Riker and O’Brien Cart-o-graphers.
In b4 someone unironically tries to defend not putting their cart back. There’s always one.
Sometimes I don’t put the cart in the corral…
I take it back into the store because it’s closer than the nearest corral. Or I take my bags out before I go into the parking lot and leave the cart in the lobby cart storage.
My husband wouldn’t put the cart away.
But he has cerebral palsy which made walking back to the car without the cart for stability difficult when he was shopping alone. He actively liked if someone left a cart in the handicapped hatch mark area because then it would be close so he could grab that going into the store and be balanced against it.
He did know it wasn’t ideal though, and I’d take the carts back when I started shopping with him.
Every rule has its exception, it makes sense that physically handicapped people shouldn’t be treated as strictly with rules concerning physical activities.
Anyone parking in a handicap spot is the one type of person no one should judge when they don’t put their cart away.
Shouldn’t, but people absolutely do judge them! They also judge if they think you shouldn’t be in a handicap spot period. So many people get huffy when they see my (what appears to be) able body get out of the car then…oh shit, my visibly disabled husband!
People getting upset about handicap spots are morons. I’m sure there is some overlap between them and those who don’t return carts.
One? Like a solid 10% of the thread wtf
Should’ve said at least one
I don’t have time for that. and someone else gets paid to do it!
I’m creating jobs. When you push the cart you’re pushing wealth from the cart pushers to the CEO of Walmart.
The CEO isn’t paying that salary. It’s a cost of business. A business you’re paying for as a customer. All the customers pay a percentage of a nickel extra for shopping in a store that has a cart returner on the payroll.
I suppose ithe job pays badly and isn’t very interesting. It’s not something I’d waste my life doing. I wouldn’t want my kids to do it either. Actually I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone. Life has much more to offer than pushing carts all day.
So, congratu-fucking-lations, you’ve created a job that nobody ought to do and made everyone pay for keeping a sorry ass kid on poverty wage.
Ok, so you’d argue that by pushing the cart back, then you’re the one doing the same meaningless job for free. Good point, right?
But here’s the catch: Nobody ever needs to return a cart.
There are at least two ways to do this.
One: We can all accept that the cart doesn’t have a home to be returned to and just leave them wherever and pick them up at the same place. This is obviously the chaotic neutral way.
Two: Pack your groceries in bags in the cart after (or while) paying. When you push the cart back towards the car, you walk by the cart corral, pick up your bags and walk to the car while leaving the cart in the corral. It’s fucking magic.
Oh, first off to be clear the wealth is transferred to the shareholders, not the CEO (though the latter is often the former). I can’t recall if I was trying to be evocative by saying CEO, or if it was just a slip of the tongue. Skill issue.
Cart pushing might sound like a silly example, fair enough. Though here it’s important as a debate battleground for the reality of labor struggle, I really doubt customers pushing carts is going to decisively shift the balance of power & destroy western civilisation. There is also the fact that the people doing this work might not be aware of their interests, and might get annoyed by people leaving carts out. That does harm.
You’re right that in theory the externality is split between the customers & shareholders. However, in reality when the costs are reduced the shareholders are generally able to pocket the difference as profit, since customers don’t have access to perfect information about how they’re being screwed. In theory this is counteracted by the free market’s ability to produce efficient prices (competitors will compete). But in reality it isn’t: Look around. Everything’s going up. They’re taking it.
It sucks that there’s low quality work. But what do you think will happen if that work isn’t available? If someone had that job, they could pay for rent & food. Without it? They will starve. That’s what happened in the 19th century. They. Just. Died. We, fortunately, haven’t seen what that looks like because the west is broadly still protected by the social welfare systems built in the 20th. My friend worked as a Walmart cart pusher, without that job he’d have had nothing.
Edit: ok basically you. Mr Walmar, cuck chair
There’s always one.
Confirmed, it seems one did. Sigh.
Now there’s more than one and they’re running mental gymnastics to claim that pro-social behavior is simping for corpos. Special kind of entitled faux-leftism there.
Idk. I put my cart back but I have heard an occasional decent argument why someone wouldn’t.
One of the biggest ones is a single parent shopping alone with multiple small children. I get that ideally the cart corral probably isn’t super far away, but leaving small kids alone for even a short period of time must be nerve wracking and not always safe depending on the area and climate.
Have had mutinies small children. Always put the cart away. Doors lock and children aren’t that fragile.
bruh, I was trained as a child to put them back, we would start putting them back as soon as our parents lift the last bag out of it
probably a hot take but if your child can walk by themselves, putting the cart back is definitely a doable chore.
This is why I always try and find a parking spot closest to a cart corral. People go crazy trying to get a spot closest to the front of the store, but ultimately your last stop before getting in your car should be at the cart corral. Yes, sometimes this means parking further away from the front door, but I have functioning legs and walking an extra 30 feet isn’t a problem.
Nobody posted the copypasta yet? I guess it’s gotta be me, then.
Smug virtue signaling anyone?
Found the animal.
Of all the things to get your panties in a twist about. Oh, world’s on fire, I’m going to make cart etiquette a big thing.
Yeah, etiquette is important. I’ll tell you off for queue jumping too, if you like. Did your parents not teach you to pick up after yourself? Do you need to be sent back to kindergarten?
We’re all on the same side here — on Lemmy and the Fediverse.
This is something I care about.
I want people to abandon corporate social media and I want them to support and use Federared options run by cool people.
That’s you.
That you spend your time worrying about carts is not really relevant to what connects us.
I just want to let you know that I can be courteous and professional and interested and interesting and still believe that carts are not a big deal.
The topic of this post, on the memes community, is shopping carts. I think it is an okay place to share our opinions about lazy people.
My choice not to return those is a political decision to make corporations pay for their privilege.
Exactly, the world is on fire and www are verging ww3. People that can’t do the bare minimum can’t be trusted in current times.
Came to the comments just to look for this.
I watched someone in a Costco parking lot shove his cart onto one of those berms at the end of a row, very obviously about to walk away from it. I was already frustrated, so I walked over and basically yanked it from him, saying something to the effect of “no don’t worry I’ll get it” in a very “you’re part of the problem” tone.
It felt nice, I’m not gonna lie.
Edit: looks like the idiots who this meme is directed at are out in force lol
Well done.
Yes, smug self satisfaction at the expense of others feels nice. You do you bro.
Sounds like the other guy didn’t have to do Costco’s job, and you got to feel smug and superior without any real reason. Win win win
Maybe don’t be an asshole by lodging it on a berm behind another car and just walk the extra 20 feet to put your fucking cart in the corral.
Oh I didn’t do that. You’re confusing me with the person you met in the Costco parking lot. But I am not them!
We got a live one
A live one what? I don’t use shopping carts because I’m not a cuck.
What does one’s kinks have to do with their shopping practices?
What dont ones kinks have to do with shopping?
Our guy installed wheels on his arms and legs in order to get the fully uncucked shopping experience, likely because he’s just built different.
You’re really weird
What a wild sentiment haha. Guy’s so insecure that he thinks using a SHOPPING CART will make him less manly.
Why is being a cuck anything to do with manliness?
Ohhhhh so you literally mean that people who use shopping carts are in relationships where their SO is having sex with someone else behind their backs?
Right. Of course that’s what you meant. Well obviously that would be a MUCH more normal thing to believe.
Do you throw trash on the ground because it’s the custodian’s job to pick it up?
Can you explain why you believe this analogy is valid? I don’t think you can, but I’d absolutely love to see you try.
Just because it’s someone’s job to tidy up doesn’t make it okay to be messy.
And why do you see deliberately throwing trash on the ground as being analogous to leaving the cart near where it was needed, and will be needed again?
Because throwing trash next to a trash can is still littering.
My local Costco recently removed the coin locks. Almost immediately, trolleys were fucking everywhere except in the bay.
The coin locks never bothered me because I have a pick for them on my keys. And yes, I return the damn trolley every time.
Always! And I have those super sized insulated grocery bags so I can usually carry everything with both hands once I’m done checking out. So I just return my cart back in at the door and macho walk out of the store. 😤