“Surely china pays the tariff!!”
The Chyna flu
Framework laptops look like they have held in price. Hopefully it stays that way.
Who could have seen this coming! Clearly this is the Obama tax. /s
You joke, but I’m sure I’ll hear exactly this in the near future.
Getting in early means they get to raise them again when the tariffs really settle in. Tariffs have replaced inflation as the scapegoat.
Can’t wait for the tariffs to go away in the future but the price never drop 😊😊😊 isn’t capitalism the best
Surely the price will then drop once the tarrifs are over!
Well yeah but as long as the price of eggs goes down, it’s worth any sacrifice.
They’ve been going up!
Damn it all to hell!
Eggs are still expensive, sacrifice more!!!
“Still” is burying the lede. It’s gotten worse.
Have the poors thought about sending their children to work in the mines?
They yearn for them, or so I hear.
What the poors aren’t having children at a sustainable rate?! That just means their standards of living and women’s rights is to blame! Cuts everywhere!!!
I’m surprised it’s just a 10% increase.
Prices will continue to steadily rise until morale improves