Okay, this is not an iPhone vs Android Phone debate. I respect your right to choose whichever platform that you want.
I mean, iPhone seems so antithetical with the idea of freedom. You have to connect it to a server to even use it, all apps have to go through a centralized server, no option to install whatever apps you want, which means, you literally cannot have any third-party apps without an online account.
Most of my fellow americans seems to love the idea of freedom so much, yet just buy into a closed ecosystem with no freedom? 🤔
Like almost 60% of Americans use iPhone, kinda weird to preach freedom when you cant even have an app without a corporation’s approval. If it were any other country, I wouldn’t find it weird, but for a country that’s obsessed with the idea of freedom (so much so that they disobeyed mask mandates), it’s really weird to be using a device with zero freedom.
Linux isn’t really optimized for phones so they are going to be terrible.
And since Apple doesn’t really sell budget phones, iPhones are always gonna be fast, so is a flagship Android phone. Its the flagship aspect that makes a phone fast, not the OS.
Android is technically Linux, which may or may not be what they’re referring to.
There’s basically almost zero Linux phones that actually function as a “phone” in any daily-driver capacity. They’re all still basicaly developing devices unless you’re referring to Android as a variant of Linux.
I recently upgraded from a six-year-old iPhone and it STILL ran crazy smoothly and fast. The battery lasted most of a day, and I never had it replaced. The only reasons I upgraded were better low-light cat pics, more space, 120hz, and USB-C. I’ll probably keep this phone for six years as well.
And it’s the OS that keeps it fast a few years down the road.
I mistyped, I meant android. And the Samsung and LG phones were not budget sadly.