I just saw this story and I want to ditch VSCode https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/vscode-extensions-with-9-million-installs-pulled-over-security-risks/
I keep using emacs, mainly because it has an innovative ecosystem that provides interesting ways to work - meow, consult, corfu, eglot, treesitter - so cool how these pieces for together.
JetBrains. They’re paid, but they’re just that good.
VSCode + Vim keybindings + Metals for Scala development. I used to use IntelliJ (paid and free) + the Scala plug-in, and Pycharm (free). For Scala I’d be fine with either VSCode or Jetbrains, just depends on who is paying (or not paying). I suspect that Python support in VSCode is a lot better these days so it might be a viable option to Pycharm. I need to check out VSCodium, if it works well with Metals and gets frequent updates I might make the switch.
Pulsar because I am (or at least was and will be, I’ve been a bit absent recently) part of the team developing it. Its a fork of Atom to continue development after GitHub pulled the plug, entirely community developed and focused.
I used and loved Pulsar for a while, it was neat and I enjoyed using it, kudos for your work…
As an ex atom user I’m using Pulsar right now.
PHPStorm because that’s what the work is paying for, and it’s quite decent
I’m just starting to learn to code via VSCode…
Do you guys actually think it’s worth switching? I guess it’s better to switch after you just started than when you’re in deep.
Nah, you’re good.
Just move to VSCodium, which is VSCode with the telemetry removed! That’s what I’m on and it’s great.
Same. I’ve had a few big config purges and migrations every few years, but I’m always neovim.
I started using Neovide as a frontend so people could follow what I’m doing (it adds animated cursor movement, etc.) I actually found that I really like it and rarely use a terminal to run neovim now.
Helix. I hate tweaking my ide. I just want to launch it and get to work. Setting up my LSP/formatter/theme is the most i’m willing to put up with and that’s all Helix asks for to be an IDE.
For an actual IDE, Jetbrains. But I rarely need an actual IDE and will just generally use Vim for everything.
At work Rider, at home Emacs. Also trying out Zed at home.
Helix because it’s simple and works without tweaking it.
I switch between VSCode and Notepad++ depending on what I am doing.
Not sure why you would ditch a program for correctly responding to a security threat.
This. At work i use visual studio ( .net wpf/blazor/maui ) with vscode on the side. At home i use vscodium for my .net/c/c++ work and sometimes notepad++ for other c stuff. Depends if i open 1 file quickly or working on a project
Ditto. I also don’t use off brand plugins. Just the ones I need from major publishers.
Because I’m looking for FOSS right now
Is the closest. It is literally VSCode without the MS telemetry.
Do you mean https://vscodium.com/ ?
I use JetBrains IDEs. IntelliJ, Pycharm, Goland, and Webstorm.
Android studio, clion and sometimes vs code but I’m not really happy with it.
VSCode! I’m yet to find another editor that runs as smoothly on remote machines. Zed has been getting much better at this, but it’s still too buggy to consider a switch.