I’ve been trying to get more veggies, for a multitude of reasons, but no matter how I cook broccoli, it stinks up the whole house. Steamed, baked, pan fried. If it were just me I’d probably deal with it, but my partner has a sensitive nose. Any ideas? I don’t love it raw, but it’s still pretty good.
Where do you live that broccoli smells like anything unappetizing? This is absolutely insane. Maybe wash your vegetables before cooking them?
Smells fine raw, just makes a stink when I cook it. Already washed. Also KY US
there’s your problem.
But in all seriousness—broccoli shouldn’t be stinking up your house. I call shenanigans.
I mean the rest of the thread corroborates 🤷 not sure what else to say.
First result in google:
This is far too serious an issue to invoke shenanigans!
Don’t waste your time responding to idiots.
To be honest, I thought they were going more for sarcasm than idiocy 🤷
Idk about that lol. Maybe. Sometimes it’s hard to tell. They seemed serious though but who knows.
I took it more of as “broccoli smells good” rather than it doesn’t smell at all. Which I agree with personally. However I’m also not dating op so I’m sure they will give my opinion the appropriate consideration in their decision.
stop buying the stinky broccoli.
When I googled “broccoli smell” every single result stated “you’re overcooking it” so I guess that’s what you’re doing. I have literally never experienced this so I guess I win at cooking broccoli.
Thus I rescind my suspicion of shenanigans and submit instead INCOMPETENCE
I’ll take incompetence. Far more likely to be a true accusation