Paid holidays, 8 hour shifts, women’s ability to vote, same-sex marriages and LGTBIQ+ rights in general… Those are ideals and achievements that started in anarchism.
Every day; all sorts of stuff from simply feeding people to high level assassinations, including a POTUS. Anarchism is a means by which the people can embarrass the government and compel corrective action to its deficiencies.
When have the anarchists accomplished anything? The people itself should keep their goverment honest.
Paid holidays, 8 hour shifts, women’s ability to vote, same-sex marriages and LGTBIQ+ rights in general… Those are ideals and achievements that started in anarchism.
you gotta be delusional if you think those things were accomplished by anarchists lmao
Every day; all sorts of stuff from simply feeding people to high level assassinations, including a POTUS. Anarchism is a means by which the people can embarrass the government and compel corrective action to its deficiencies.