Those impracticaly large fragile things, failing in cars with the slightest shock?
Never cared for them.
Casettes you could throw around, tape them if necessary.
Later minidisc for a short time and digital mp3/flac…
So no thank you, like DVD’s spoiling plenty of movies by giving up in the middle due to a tiny scratch these things were a mistake.
It was so cool.
Until that moment the train doors close and you realise your very expensive player is on its way to the next station…
Yes, it’s still a trauma.
Those impracticaly large fragile things, failing in cars with the slightest shock? Never cared for them.
Casettes you could throw around, tape them if necessary.
Later minidisc for a short time and digital mp3/flac… So no thank you, like DVD’s spoiling plenty of movies by giving up in the middle due to a tiny scratch these things were a mistake.
minidisc still seems futuristic to me.
It was so cool. Until that moment the train doors close and you realise your very expensive player is on its way to the next station… Yes, it’s still a trauma.
I loved minidisc. It was just too late to the game with mp3s hot on its heels.