• Buelldozer@lemmy.today
    9 days ago

    And to say, no one expects a thing to do the job that thing is made to do is a dumb comeback.

    It’s NOT expected to. The SAE has literal standards for this and nowhere in them are you going to find that the tongue needs to support the entirety of the towed weight. In fact it’s quite the opposite. None of you know this though because you’ve never bothered reading them.

    Also, what is the point of fighting this?

    Because people read this bullshit and then repeat it just like you’re doing now. Tons of weight rolling down the road is dangerous. As always the regulations are literally written in blood.

    You absolutely should NOT expect your tow hitch to support the entire weight of the trailer. It’s NOT in the SAE specs and frankly there’s no passenger vehicle in existence that will tolerate that without dramatically exceeding it’s payload rating. You probably don’t now what is either but when you exceed it you get broken axles, inability to steer, inability to stop, tires blowing up, suspension failure, and structure failure.

    Ever seen a truck pulling a camper and the trucks headlights are aimed at the sky while the hitch is nearly dragging the ground? That’s what happens when you have too much tongue weight. You can see that’s it wrong and yet here’s another army of people trying to argue that its just fine because they listened to another youtuber who has no idea WTF they’re talking about.

    It’s wrong and it gets people killed. Stop it.

    • fuamerikkka@lemm.ee
      9 days ago

      Getting away from the point. Again.

      Test for test, the dumb aluminum box failed.

      No one is arguing SAE standards. YOU are the one who brought that up.

      And your argument now, is that the video, warning people not to trust the trailer hitch and general build of a cybertruck, is incorrect, and that you are chiming in for ‘public safety’ so they (me?) don’t ‘believe’ the video and should NOT consider the weight they’re towing with their cyberdump??

      Seems that the video WAS a public safety warning and you were arguing against it before, yet now you are arguing the opposite because NOT using the trailer on a cybertruck is dangerous and gets people killed?? The exact opposite of the video.

      Also, you’re saying people like me, whatever that means, repeat “it”, personal stories about trailering mishaps, to further warn people about underestimating their tow hitch / vehicals physical capacity so that things, like what happened to my father, doesn’t happen because that IS what kills people?

      If all this sounds too confusing, it’s because you flipped your original argument and/or completely misunderstand what anyone else is saying.

      We all agree that most of the time, the tongue weight won’t exceed the load.

      We all agree that if/when that happens, catastrophic events can/will occur.

      Which is what you seem to have said, yet for some reason have even confused yourself enough into unwittingly making the same argument.


      You can’t make this stuff up folks!

      FYI a list of things that weigh 10,000lbs below (petty sure no one expects to be towing any of these things with a normal truck). But physics does make it possible for weight and energy, to be more than that of sheer weight, when outside forces occur e.g. trailer swaying, bumpy roads.

      The best example of this is fishing line. You can get 20lb fishing line and a 10lb fish can break it. From jumping, fighting, sudden movements…etc.

      1. 1. An African Forest Elephant
      2. 2. Five Rhinos
      3. 3. An RV
      4. 4. Two Dumpsters
      5. 5. Two Shipping Containers
      6. 6. Four Cubic Yards of Gravel
      7. 7. An Ambulance
      8. 8. 4 to 6 Great White Sharks
      9. 9. 33 Full Oil Barrels

      Needless to say, you do this thing called “moving the goal post”.

      I said I did NOT like red. But now that it doesn’t work for me, in this current situation, I like red. And I’ve always liked red. 🙄

      We are all literally saying don’t tow too much!!! Even you!!

      But especially in a cyberdump

      So again… what is the point of arguing the SAME POINT!!! Or NOT to heed the warning the video is putting out???

      You talked yourself into a circle!!!


      This made my day.

      Thank you.

    • fuamerikkka@lemm.ee
      9 days ago

      Apologies to the “general public”, if my family’s trailering horror stories somehow encouraged you to say ‘fuck it’ to things like towing and / or tongue capacities and go tow that african elephant you’ve been dying to buy…?