In terms of having the “marrying cousins” stereotype.

    1 year ago

    Drug addicts would be Porto. The city was pretty clean for decades but CoViD and an asshole of a city mayor effed things up, to the point they want to pass city ordnances that go against national law. Won’t fly; pure populism, good for sound bites.

    Hicks, incest and child marriage not really a thing here. Yet, we do have a strange saying about cousins that I can’t really translate. The gist implies cousins tend to be an understanable first opportunity to explore but not one to carry through as a true romantic relationship.

    Conservatives, all across the territory, mostly on rural areas but not hardcore. But we are a liberal nation as a whole.

    Lisbon is a bit under pressure because of high tourist influx but you don’t get to see violence towards non-nationals, except for rare events.

    This is a pretty interesting question.