I’m dog sitting a few times a week (same dog), and he loves chewing up cardboard. He doesn’t eat it or anything, just makes a huge mess. He has nylabones and similar chew toys, but he’s not very interested in them. He seems to prefer things he can rip to shreds easily. Any idea what sorts of toys would be a good alternative to cardboard for him to reduce the mess?

  • Ifeex@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    My dog is the same, and I haven’t found a good, reusable alternative! Cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, paper bags—- he rips, destroys and spits out the bits. I’ve put his dog food in the containers sometimes for a mental game for him, but he really just likes to rip and destroy.

    If you’re handy with needle and thread, you could always just cheaply restuff and sew up the toy to let them defluff it over and over!