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Post by Urban Cycling Institute.

text: ‘New study into effectiveness of hi-viz for cyclists in car traffic’

  • by Brendan Gavrin

images: Two photos. One is captioned “Driver’s view of cyclist dressed in black”, the other “Driver’s view of cyclist dressed in hi-viz”. Both depict a phone in front of a steering wheel.

    11 months ago

    I sort of had one of these moments the other day. I didn’t, in reality, but everyone else probably thought I did.

    Some jackass was walking across the road an 1/8 of a mile ahead of me on a very busy city street at rush hour. I was running my daughter between appointments, first appointment had started 20 minutes late so we were going to be cutting it really close on getting to #2 on time. Anyway, jaywalker was wearing a hi-vis jacket. He did not have a stop sign or anything in his hands. I figured he was crossing the street halfway because my 2 lanes of traffic were clear for him at that time, the other side was busy.

    He made it well past my lane so I went back to sending a txt to my wife about the first appointment (again, no other cars around me in my lanes). As I get near him, doing the speed limit, he starts shouting and waving his arms at me. I still have no idea wtf he was doing out there, but apparently he expected me to stop because he was standing in the middle of a busy street wearing a hi-vis jacket (I wear a hi-vis jacket for work and would expect people to run me tf over if I wandered out into a busy street randomly).