• meowMix2525@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    The criteria for the mass shooting tracker, the largest number on that chart, is perfectly reasonable. You do understand why shootings are bad beyond the direct deaths of those from being shot at and the location their corpses have to be removed from, do you not?

    You’re really going to look the other way because when somebody opened fire on multiple people (at least 3), some of those people survived? Or the shooter went to another location in between? Oh but its okay because it might not happen to you directly. Might not even be your parent or your child or your friend or even your town, but somebody else’s. So no worries.

    At worst, you are implying it’s the location’s fault or the victims’ fault for being out in the open; if everyone just had more security then the shooter would’ve just taken their pot shots at people around town. Well, shoot, if that makes it okay then let’s just put a TSA line in front of every grocery store, elementary school, restaurant, etc. Bulletproof windows too. Heck, put em on your cars. Bulletproof vests for everyone!! If you didn’t die, it didn’t happen. Yes, that’ll solve everything! Just don’t go walking around outside or at parks, those are just defacto shooting ranges now; it doesn’t count as a mass shooting anyways if you just shoot at one or two people and move on.

    …it’s all the same, man. It shouldn’t be happening. Its the same exact perpetrator on the same exact decision to kill. You prevent that person from making that decision then you prevent all of the death and injuries and terror and trauma that it causes.

    Not to mention, as the other commenter did, it’s from 2021. We break new records on each of those numbers, each and every year. Hell, you’ll have to fact check me on this but think we broke it in a month this year.