Firefox users are reporting an ‘artificial’ load time on YouTube videos. YouTube says it’s part of a plan to make people who use adblockers “experience suboptimal viewing, regardless of the browser they are using.”

    11 months ago

    Honestly, worst case scenario, if YouTube manages to completely eliminate adblockers, maybe by making some kind of cryptographic system where the browser has to provide a token embedded inside the ad video stream in order to access the video, I would still use an extension to mute sound and draw a black bar over the ads while technically playing them in the background, it’s not the wait time that bothers me, it’s how repetitive and obnoxious the ads are, I just don’t want to perceive them.

      11 months ago

      Which is why you have to void warranties and go through a lot of hassle to r Unlock the bootloader, or root your own phone and have actual control over it.

      And that’s the reason Google is trying to push shitty web standards to remove your control.

      And why Apple and Microsoft keep restricting your access to your OS, with rumors of Windows 12 being cloud-only.

      Many governments around the world don’t want you to have any control or privacy. Many tech giants don’t want you to have any control or privacy. It’s the same old thing religions have done forever. Enforce a lack of control and privacy through violence, social pressure, or resources. Only now, the enforcement style is indirect, trying to say you don’t own your device, can’t use ad blockers or privacy tools, have to agree to terms and conditions that waive your rights, your usage has to be monitored, or that backdoors have to be built into everything.

      Don’t expect this behavior to stop unless regulation is created to prevent it, or the company caves to financial or social pressure to change…for now.

      Don’t expect regulation to be created unless you put people who care about privacy and such in power.

      Even then, people in power need to be held accountable if they misbehave, or nothing else matters.

      It all comes back to class struggle and politics.

      11 months ago

      “Which color hat did the extra in the background of your latest ad wear?” Wrong answer = 10 ads.

      If they could, YouTube would hire someone to sit on your couch and make sure you consume the ads with your utmost attention.