• Mickey7@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Yes. They are the person that you completely trust. Even more so than any blood relative. And the reverse is that there is nothing that you would not do for them.

  • viv@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Soulmates are made, not found.

    Which is to say — relationships are work. And finding someone you are compatible with doesn’t mean you are done with hard work. Once you are in a stable long-term relationship, you are always growing and evolving both separately as individuals and together as partners. And working towards being the best partners to one other is a huge part of that.

    I think it’s easy to say or think that 1. Soulmates are real and the perfect person is out there waiting for you, and once you find them then things will finally be easy, or 2. Soulmates aren’t real, so you don’t need to worry about that expectation; just find someone you are compatible with and enjoy spending your time/life with.

    But for me personally, I have found so much happiness in my life by treating my relationship with my spouse like something bigger than just the two of us, that we both put the work into to maintain and grow. We make each other better, and we feel like we are always becoming better versions of ourselves with one another; I think that’s a great litmus test for a ‘soulmate.’

  • mypasswordistaco@iusearchlinux.fyi
    1 year ago

    Nope. At least not in the traditional sense.

    Consider this: there are 8 billion people on this planet. If soul mates existed in an exclusive sense, and by that I mean that there is one other person on the planet who is your soul mate, the likelihood of ever even getting close to meeting that individual is negligible, let alone the chance of forming some sort of relationship.

    Certain personalities mesh well, and those personalities are the result of our genetics, our upbringings, our cultural environment, and our life experiences. I don’t think the traditional idea of a soul mate really fits reality. It’s more likely, in my view, that some people get along and some people don’t. Those that get along well may tend to find each other and make good matches. But, undoubtedly, there are plenty of people on the planet that will be a good match for any one individual. It’s just a matter of finding one of those people, and choosing to be with them.