As heir to a cult leader, Yukito centers his life around the mysterious goddess Mitama. But everything changes after he’s killed during a ritual gone wrong. To his surprise, Yukito is reborn into a world with no concept of god! And in this world, life and death are decided by the Imperial State. As Yukito fights to protect his new village, someone from his past life lends a helping hand.
Weird end for a weird (but still enjoyable IMO) series.
It was rather obvious that oppai okaasan Gaia would end in the village anyway with her children. And the MC found a rather good solution for that - he might be a jerk, but at least a jerk with a heart of gold.
Atar choosing ice cream over her powers was hilarious.
Weird end for a weird (but still enjoyable IMO) series.
It was rather obvious that oppai okaasan Gaia would end in the village anyway with her children. And the MC found a rather good solution for that - he might be a jerk, but at least a jerk with a heart of gold.
Atar choosing ice cream over her powers was hilarious.