As heir to a cult leader, Yukito centers his life around the mysterious goddess Mitama. But everything changes after he’s killed during a ritual gone wrong. To his surprise, Yukito is reborn into a world with no concept of god! And in this world, life and death are decided by the Imperial State. As Yukito fights to protect his new village, someone from his past life lends a helping hand.
Underrated anime of the season
Super degenerate but at the same time has a lot of heart? Also liked that it totally embraced the “shitpost” nature of the show.
Def recommended, even with the meh animation
First few minutes of the first episode had me thinking “how tf did this get past ANYONE, much less make it on air?”
Last episode has me feeling sad its over and no S2 announcement.
Also, that episode with the tractor has to be the biggest “OOOOHHHHH its one of THOSE show” moments I’ve ever had. Everything just fell into place.
I agree, easy recommend for anyone looking for a A+ shitpost anime.