Once a rebel, always a rebel.Watch the brand-new trailer and experience the two-episode series premiere of Ahsoka, a Star Wars Original series, streaming Aug...
It’s an animated Star Wars series that takes place between the Original trilogy and the Prequel ones, closer to the Original, largely focused on the rise of the Rebel Alliance by following the crew of one Rebel starship.
I thought it was fun. Nothing super amazing, but solidly enjoyable. I also liked it a lot better than Clone Wars (which started too slow, felt too predictable, and had pacing issues).
What’s Rebels?
It’s an animated Star Wars series that takes place between the Original trilogy and the Prequel ones, closer to the Original, largely focused on the rise of the Rebel Alliance by following the crew of one Rebel starship.
Nice one; worth watching?
I thought it was fun. Nothing super amazing, but solidly enjoyable. I also liked it a lot better than Clone Wars (which started too slow, felt too predictable, and had pacing issues).
Yes. The first season seems a bit geared toward children, but that improves in seasons 2-3.
I would watch through at least Season 3 of Clone Wars first (and preferably all the way to the end) as Rebels resolves Darth Maul’s storyline from CW.
Animated series set in the Ep3 - Ep4 gap about an early rebel cell and a surviving Jedi.