“What’s going to happen in this next election? I’m terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter. Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit, it affects us in ways sometimes I think people take for granted,” Obama told Jay Shetty on his podcast “On Purpose.”

“The fact that people think that government — ‘eh, does it really even do anything?’ — and I’m like ‘Oh my God, does government do everything for us, and we cannot take this democracy for granted.’ And I worry sometimes that we do. Those are the things that keep me up,” she said.

“The bars are different for people in life. That I’ve learned,” she said.

Without naming Trump, she continued: “Other people can be indicted a bunch of times and still run for office. Black men can’t. You just learn to be good. And in the end, you benefit from that extra resilience.”

  • Custoslibera@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    You honestly think someone as coherent as this person hasn’t thought of all the ‘easy’ solutions to their homelessness problem?

    It’s insulting to their intelligence to suggest that they just contact the homeless shelter.

    I swear people live so far up their own ass they have no fucking clue about the reality some people live.

    • Stovetop@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      You’d be surprised. Homelessness doesn’t always look like what people imagine it to be. They may be employed but migratory. They may be dependent on a cycle of friends/family for shelter while being on perpetually temporary living conditions.

      A lot of people who aren’t “homeless” in the traditional sense don’t consider themselves as needing the same level of support that they typically associate with homeless shelters. They assume their problems look different and don’t apply. They may honestly just not know that homeless shelters are there to provide anything more than a roof. Or those who are sliding further into precarity may be in denial about their circumstances.

      There are also numerous links to mental illness and rates of homeless, some of which might obstruct logical decisions that people might need to be reminded of from time to time. And sometimes it just helps to be reminded that you don’t always have to shoulder all of your problems by yourself, such as with services that help with obtaining documentation.

      Call it basic advice, but basic doesn’t mean invalid. I don’t see anyone else in this thread offering anything more than sympathies, at least.