In late December, 77 groups — representing tens of thousands of lawyers, civil society leaders, and activists from six continents — filed an amicus brief in a lawsuit that Palestinian human rights organizations, residents of Gaza, and U.S. citizens with family members impacted by Israel’s ongoing assault brought against the Biden administration.

According to Law for Palestine, a human rights and legal advocacy organization, there have been at least 500 instances of Israeli lawmakers, officials, and officers inciting genocide.

Sourani said that the statements by Israeli officials, along with the actual blockade, the indiscriminate attacks on civilians and civilian buildings, the basic lack of safe space, and the mass displacement of millions of Palestinians makes it clear: “All of this is tantamount to genocide.”

The plaintiffs responded to the administration’s motion to dismiss on December 22, arguing that there is precedent for U.S. courts to adjudicate questions surrounding genocide and that their legal challenge is about more than the actions of a foreign state. Rather, the plaintiffs argued, their injuries are “fairly traceable” to the actions of the U.S. government. “The suggestion that the U.S. does not or cannot influence Israel borders on the absurd, not least because the Israeli government acknowledges its actions could not happen without U.S. license and support, and Defendants have boasted about their coordination with and influence over Israel,” the plaintiffs wrote.

    9 months ago

    “The Democrats are corrupt as shit” - that’s some projection there, buddy. Another shit-talking republican/russian bot…

      9 months ago

      wrong, gross.

      I invite you to consider Hillary stealing the nom from Bernie, Biden’s only campaign promise he followed through on being “nothing will fundamentally change” for his rich donors, or Pelosi consistently laughing off so much as a conversation about rampant congressional insider trading on the stock market.

      Just because Republicans are open and proud about their corruption, doesn’t mean the 2nd party in a 2 party system isn’t also incredibly corrupt. Americans deserve better, and deserve actual representation in this alleged “democracy”