Does anyone know alternatives to Grocy? It is desirable that this application(s) also be in PHP.

I need an open-source self-hosted and web-based application that performs the same functions as Grocy, and I also want it to be focused not only on groceries. For example, so that in Stock Overview (or something like that) you can add things that have nothing to do with food, and so that you can add an expiration date/expiration date to the product.

I don’t want to install Grocery through Docker, because this: 1 Takes a long time; 2. Takes up a lot of resources (RAM/disk space); 3. It is necessary to enter, conditionally, 20 commands, which is dreary and stressful; 4. The documentation from Grocy says that to install Docker images you can write only two commands. HOW can I do this if on the Grocery profile web page on the Docker website there are two Docker Images: “frontend” and “backend”, although there is only one page in Github (grocy-docker)?

…especially considering that I have ADHD, an application like this would be very useful for me.

If I don’t find it, then… I don’t know what to do. I’ll probably return to Excel (more precisely, to LibreOffice/Collabora, lol).

    8 months ago

    I remember Grocy being pretty easy to setup with Docker. Just set up your compose file and start it up.

    Grocy already lets you add expiration dates and non-food items.

    8 months ago
    1. The docker install doesn’t take a long time, if you read the instructions you can download their YAML file and run only one command. But on the GitHub they have instructions for desktop app mode if you don’t want docker.
    2. It’ll take up more resources outside docker but it’s a small PHP app.
    3. No it isn’t.
    4. Have a look at the examples, if you are not familiar with docker you might need to look at the embedded desktop app as you’ll run into this issue with any alternative in docker.
    8 months ago

    Do you use docker for anything else self hosted? You should give it a try. I literally had not heard of grocy till I read your post but I self host other things with docker. I googled them, visited their github looked at their docker instructions - theirs downloading a docker compose file and lsio’s which gave a run option rather than compose.

    I pulled up an ssh to my server from my phone and literally entered the run command from here just modified to have my preferred storage path.

    docker run -d \
      --name=grocy \
      -e PUID=1000 \
      -e PGID=1000 \
      -e TZ=Etc/UTC \
      -p 9283:80 \
      -v ~/.config/grocy:/config \
      --restart unless-stopped \```
    I then opened my browser to http://ip:9283 and was prompted with a username and password. I googled and found out the default is admin/admin. I now have grocy temporarily running on my server. If I want to run it permanently I'd include it in my existing docker-compose stack or create a new one with just it in it. 
    I understand it's frustrating and you may not want to use grocy after all and someone might have a good alternative, but getting to terms with docker will make your self hosting life much easier - it took me longer to type this post than it took me to get grocy up and running with docker.