President Biden announced Friday that his administration is forgiving $5 billion in student debt for another 74,000 borrowers, marking the latest round of debt cancellation since the Supreme Court voided the president’s student loan forgiveness program.

Mr. Biden said that of the borrowers who can receive relief, nearly 44,000 are teachers, nurses, firefighters and others who are eligible for forgiveness after working 10 years of public service. Almost 30,000 of those who will have their debt wiped clean have been repaying their loans for at least 20 years, but did not get the relief they earned through income-based plans, the president said.

With the latest round of student loan forgiveness, more than 3.7 million Americans have had their debt erased under the Biden administration, Mr. Biden said.

    8 months ago

    We keep electing democrats that think fixing something at once would be too disruptive.


    When the Democrats try to help people in broad strokes, SCotUS smacks them down. See College Loan forgiveness for just the latest instance of that.

    When the GOP hurts people & destoys our environment, SCotUS is A-OK with it. See the current case against the EPA.

    I wonder why you left that very important part out?

    You’re either mad at the wrong people, severely ignorant politically, or you are lying on purpose for nefarious reasons.