His intellectual defenders make their case that the danger is overblown.

  • Paragone@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    See his trajectory.

    See how having power & being threatened both alter his trajectory in the same direction, towards totalitarianism.

    The economic rug-pull that is going to hand the Repubs lots of backlash vote, is likely to enable them to make him GEOTUS, which is their wet-dream

    ( go on www.wikipedia.org and search for GEOTUS and it’ll land you on Donald Trump’s page.

    GEOTUS stands for “God Emperor Of The United States”, and wikipedia altered their search-engine logic to hide that they have Trump as GEOTUS: the search-page-result-statistics don’t include any GEOTUS page, but the search works )

    Combined with the GenZ nonvoting, the total Muslim not voting for Biden, and the economic pain’s backlash vote, I think Biden has little chance in 2024.

    IOW, I believe that the reverse-takeover of the kkKonfederates is going to happen, and the beginning of US Civil War Part2 is certain, beginning within 3y of Jan1 2025.

    the root-cause isn’t political-left or political-right, the root-cause is Kahneman System-1 fighting-off considered-reasoning, aka Kahneman System-2.

    It’s the same world-wide.

    “Putin Country” is a book on how rural Russia is the same as MAGA territory, just with different labels.

    Rural Israel, rural Syria, the shitty education that condescended to the “lower class” students, and the “lower class” students were taught just how much contempt the “intellectuals” had for them, and they have equivalent contempt for the “intellectuals”…

    that is part of it.

    Bluntly, humankind is fighting-off considered-reasoning, reverting to imprinted-reaction, just as herdbeasts live in imprinted-reaction.

    No moral-anxiety, when only-imprinted-reaction ( Kahneman System-1 ) is running, see?

    Read “Thinking Fast & Slow” by Daniel Kahneman, & then see that all the politics is just “makeup” on this System-1 going “alpha” and obliterating System-2/considered-reasoning’s having any say.


    Boosting petrol-consumption breaks the threat of loss-of-authority/alphaness ( never mind that it makes the planet more likely to drown in wildfires, megadroughts, extra-hurricanes, berzerk flooding, temporary deep-freezes, lethally-roasting regional temperatures, trashed ports due to sea-level-rise, etc, that “isn’t real”, right?

    Not to imprinted-reaction mind, aka limbic-mind’s “reasoning”. )

    so … it is an animal-“need”, right?

    All the different variants of “supremacism” are all just animal herdbeast “alpha” bulling.

    Corporate, oligarchic, class, legalism, etc.

    Just variants on the underlying herdbeast politics.

    The Great Filter is going to be pruning-down this species rather horribly, later this century.

    Nothing infuriates a tantruming toddler with guns the way implacable-accountability does.

    And that is all that humankind’s unconscious-mind is: toddler-with-guns.

    Trump’s a symptom, not a cause.

    So’s Putin.

    So’s both Hamas & the Israeli gov’t.

    every continent has its own version.

    Human nature.

    It hasn’t changed, and either Universe succeeds in force-changing it, this century, or our epitaph is going to be that we wouldn’t grow-up, and we … force-extinguished ourself.

    _ /\ _

    • krashmo@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      You have some good points in there but your sentence structure and formatting makes this read more like the diary of someone battling a mental illness than a nuanced political opinion. If you want people to take you seriously I’d suggest you streamline things a bit. Just a suggestion.

    • MotoAsh@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Spoilers: Humanity let too many children remain children as they aged. A bunch of petulant toddlers ofc aren’t going to solve their own catastrophies. Rampant, institutionalized greed allows far too many to attempt power fantasy in the real world.

      We’re fucked, and it’s because the good will not prune the evil for the short-sighted fear that they will be the baddies. We have completely failed the Paradox of Tolerance for the simple fact that humanity is too stupid to think past face-value.