An oil tanker is on fire in the Gulf of Aden, its operator says, after Houthis said they hit it with a missile.

US officials told the BBC’s US partner CBS the tanker was hit by an anti-ship ballistic missile and a naval ship was responding to its distress signal.

There were no injuries reported, the US officials said.

Houthi military spokesman Yaha Sarea said the group used “a number of appropriate naval missiles” and Friday’s strike was “direct”.

    8 months ago

    How about we give our own people a comfortable life before worrying about the feelings of fascist Islamist terrorists half way across the world?

    Like, did we not just spent the last 20 years “nation building” in Afghanistan to the tune of >$2 trillion, including not only military training but also building schools and other civilian infrastructure, only to have them just piss it away and let the Taliban walk back in and impose strict theocratic law upon their society in the span of just a few months. Now Afghani girls aren’t even allowed to attend the schools that we built.

    Contrary to what white guilt might have one believe, there is plenty of money in the Middle East. Unfortunately it’s all in the hands of royals, oligarchs and warlords. There are powerful Houthi’s at the top of the chain of command who have a lot more spending money than any of us. We aren’t the world police, nor are we Santa Claus. It’s not our responsibility to improve their lives, just as they wouldn’t ever consider doing anything for us if roles were reversed.

    If the Houthis want to attack international trade ships, even after a month of warnings and wrist-slaps, they should expect nothing more than counter-attacks from the nations who are interested in preserving global order. We aren’t going to fix them no matter how much money we give them, and so the best we can hope for is that they eventually learn not to fuck with us or our allies.

      8 months ago

      If we should stop anything, it should be the military support we give to Israel. We are literally fueling their ethnic cleansing. If we cared less about them then we would be doing more good.