• DdCno1@kbin.social
    8 months ago

    You reference the birthrate of Palestinians followed by the subtle inclusion of the pronoun “them” or “these people” to indicate exclusion, isolation, and a removal of identity.

    I used these pronouns in order to prevent the repetition of words. Seriously, you are grasping at straws.

    you imply

    No, you read into it what you want to read into it in order to achieve maximum personal outrage.

    You argue that it is reasonable

    No, I describe the status quo and what is happening and why it is likely to continue. At no point am I supporting injustices like indefinite detention and if you go back in my comment history, you will find examples of me explicitly condemning these practices. In one of the comments you made a screenshot of I call these measures cruel. Does this look like me calling those things reasonable?

    I don’t even know what to say to your pseudo-intellectual attempt to somehow link what I wrote to a Jewish terrorist group and their relationship with Nazis. I mean, feel free to write an essay on this elsewhere, but I fail to see any connection with the topic at hand.

    You paint Hamas as common thieves for having the audacity to sell HEBREW ARTIFACTS as though they have no right to even touch such holy relics from a superior culture.

    Again, you are remarkably creative in your liberal interpretations of what I wrote. I mentioned Hebrew artifacts to illustrate the absurdity of Palestinians claiming that they are the indigenous people of the land and as to Hamas selling them, 1) I wonder if some of them realize that what they are doing does nothing but undermine their positions and 2) no matter if it’s Hebrew, Roman or Martian, it’s still disturbing historic sites, preventing us from learning more about our shared past as a species. To quote that famous archaeologist with the whip, dashing hat and a talent for beating up Nazis: “It belongs in a museum!”

    You also fail to mention that Israel has repeatedly destroyed cultural heritage sites

    I’m not in the both-sideism business. I’ve got a hunch that you aren’t either, except when you think it suits you.

    continuously attempts to rewrite history by dead-naming

    You are not grasping at straws with me, but also with entire countries. When nation states assume control of an area, they tend to give places names that the predominate group in that state can pronounce and write down. Jenin for example was originally called Gina, then Ein-Ganim and Beth-Hagan before getting its current name, based on the original Canaanite name, as the result of Arab conquest. Are you just as angry with all of these past people for renaming places as well?

    Beyond all this though, I find you to be ethically bankrupt, bigoted, hypocritical

    And I only need one word to describe you: Hysterical.

    I can only advice to look out of the window for a second, maybe go for a walk, look at some trees swaying in the wind, listen to the birds sing and then evaluate how you are conducting yourself, how you are treating your fellow human beings, how you are accusing others you know nothing about in the most vile ways. Do you see a person frowning in public and immediately think that this person must be the worst human being in the world? That’s what you are doing here. It’s kind of sad to see someone who has such a good grasp of the English language waste it on going on a wild diatribe based on the worst interpretations of what others are writing, compelled by an almost religious desire to communicate to the world just how morally upstanding they are. I only wish that you become a better person and grow out of this eventually. Oh, and consider asking people about what they are actually thinking before assuming the role of a moral judge, jury and executioner based on nothing but your vivid imagination.

    • Riccosuave@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      It’s kind of sad to see someone who has such a good grasp of the English language waste it on going on a wild diatribe

      I appreciate that, thank you. You’re quite the wordsmith in your own right. With that being said, I still don’t like you.

      I only wish that you become a better person and grow out of this eventually.

      Ditto. It would seem there are two points on which we can agree.

      I won’t belabor this conversation anymore. I said my piece, and you said yours. Therefore we are at an impasse. I don’t hate you, but I don’t respect you either. My guess is you probably feel the same. If we each consider the other to be a fool’s messenger then at least we have parted on common ground.