I have started listening to random American city council meetings lately for white noise. Since they’re all bureaucratic-flavored boredom anyway.

  • Trent@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    Either SoX running in Termux on my phone with:

    play -n synth brownnoise synth pinknoise mix synth 0 0 0 10 10 40 trapezium amod 0.1 30

    (originally yoinked from I can’t remember who, in the early days of Mastodon)

    or more recently, a 10-hour loop of the Sardukar chant from Dune. It’s right about the right frequency to block a lot of the noise around here and it isn’t anything intelligible for my brain to keep me awake thinking about.

    If I just want some noise-blocking sound while I’m trying to code or something then myNoise has a vast array of sound generators. It was well worth kicking them $5 a while back.