I know it’s an unpopular opinion given current circumstances, but I’ve always been a huge nerd about Russia. The history, the geography, the music, etc. And as an American, I’ve always found it fascinating how U.S.-Russian relations have fluctuated over time. We’ve gone from allies, to enemies, to frenemies. This doesn’t mean I support Z or Putin, of course. What are you a nerd about?

    • ComradeR@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      There are 2 types of LW:

      1. Unknown songs (there is a snippet or a full version of audio recorded, but the title/artist weren’t identified)

      2. Songs that are lost (there are a title and/or the name of artist, but no one is able to find it).

      Anyway… Is kinda of a hobby to wait for the song to be found/identified. And there are times that the time spent waiting worths a lot. There is a brazilian synthpop song that was a mystery for almost 30 years. The song kept the placeholder of Fond my mind while it was unknown. The song was identified (by the artist himself) as “Feels Like a Wish” from the duo Station K on December from the last year. I follow a lot of channels on YouTube about it! It’s fascinating.