The last couple days I’ve noticed every post that shows Tesla not looking good, has been removed from some higher directive. Not deleted by OP.

and yesterday an OP tried at least twice to post an article about Tesla factory ordering $16,000 worth of pies from a small independently-owned Silicon Valley bakery, owned by a sweet hard-working lady who worked overtime all night and had to go out and buy more ingredients to get the order finished in time, only for Tesla to call up the next morning and cancel the order just as the pies were about to be delivered to Tesla. As of press time, that lady lost $16,000 on that order but hopefully Tesla came back and made up for it.

The OP posted that article twice because the first one had been removed, then I tried to comment on the second one and it had been removed also.

There seems to be some Tesla brigade working hard to remove everything from the internet that makes them look bad.

Edit: Update:

    8 months ago

    see, this, then, gets very tangled in the terms of the agreement, and - as there seemingly were none - and lawsuit could get dismissed. or a judge could decide that Tesla is liable anyway, and then Tesla would appeal, costing the business owner even more in legal fees.

    if Tesla was ever going to pay the $16k, they would have done it long before engaging in a legal dispute that will end up costing tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars more. at this point, it has nothing to do with money, and everything to do with fucking this lady over as hard as they can to punish her for embarrassing them.

      8 months ago

      Personally, I’d use their bureaucracy against them.

      Send a generic invoice “care of” accounting. knock of the delivery fee. make it as nondescript as possible so it gets handed to the intern that just rubber stamps every stupid thing their stupid CEO gets into.

      It’s worth a shot.