Is anyone in this sub or instance a remote worker? I have been one first partially and then completely for a few years now and I began to think as a kinda of solarpunk way of live that has the potential to propel humanity to a more decentralized and sustainable way of life, specially since I plan to move to a smaller town because of it. What do guys feel about it? Do you do it? Don’t do it but would like to? Do it it but miss interaction?
I agree with the aspect of losing human connection which I think is the greatest downside. Did you ever considered sharing your space with a friend or someone you know that’s also a remote worker to provide at least a source of companionship? I’m not saying daily but weekly or biweekly. I do that with my brother and sometimes friends and it helps a lot. And it creates a kinda of community even though we work for different companies.
Hmm. Yeah, that’s a possibility. I do other stuff that’s similar, like working on community gardens and helping comrades who are interested in learning technical skills I’m practiced in. But collective remote work situations…that’s an interesting think to ponder!