There’s a company making a new version called retro sours. They are available online or at Cracker Barrel when in stock.
Because they are loud, and reasonable people are not. When the reasonable people get loud they shut up when reasonable critiques are made. At some point the reasonable people have to become unreasonable (by degree) so they can be heard.
Just to clarify IEP is individual education plan. The programs are not usually separate from the schools. The DoE does provide funding based on the number of kids with IEPs to schools and districts.
In other words kids will still be arrested for being autistic. They just won’t have as good of an education.
Basically. The wings have to be able to bend that much so they don’t break off in strong winds or hard maneuvers.
It should be “self-avowed”
Be sure not to forget to vote in two years for House and senate.
I have a desktop and there’s no reason for it to constantly be drawing power. It boots fast enough even with fast boot disabled that it’s not an issue for me.
I leave my work laptop on, but it lives on my desk at work. Not my power bill not my problem. I still have to regularly reboot it because windows can’t update without reboots.
Literally every single time I use it. I only need it to be on when I’m using it, and I don’t use it every day.
Sure, but my keyboard doesn’t have a power button.
Exactly, they keep honest people honest, just like piracy protection.
These things are like door locks. The point is to make it harder to pirate than to pay. This doesn’t mean people won’t pirate. Just like a door lock doesn’t mean people won’t burgle.
If it took a long time to open the door because the lock is too complex, it is the lock maker’s fault not the burglar’s fault. The solution is to buy a new lock.
It is fundamental to the democratic form of government that “rights are at the mercy of public opinion.” The other options are for rights to be at the mercy of capricious monarchs, dictators, or oligarchs.
They believe that the status quo is better than any alternatives. They have not been exposed to other ways of living and those that have lock themselves to basic tribalistic thinking.
Imagine trying to get a sports fan to see the benefits of being a fan of another sports team. Even if they aren’t personally playing and their team isn’t winning they maintain loyalty. Some even bet on their loser teams and lose money just because of loyalty.
It’s all about team loyalty/ tribalism
Yep! Feels like going through a rom pack or multi-cart and only finding good games.
And It generally requires a lot of electricity. So, batteries cut out the middleman.
And owning multiple of the largest game franchises including Pokemon which is larger than any other media franchise.
Personally I think AI training is free use. I also think AI is a fad and generally used as a way to scam people.
However, artists complain about AI because it pulls from their business (in theory.) Artists generally don’t complain about piracy by the end user because the artist is usually still credited in someway (signature watermark etc.) and piracy doesn’t generally stop other people from paying for their art. AI in theory steals their jobs.
The main people who complain about traditional piracy are the executives of companies that purchased copyright on artist’s works through contracts that do not favor the artists.
If you believe anyone is above politics I have a bridge to sell you.
The religious studies dean at WKU had a pride flag in his office over a decade ago. And the dean of the poli sci department had a picture of her and Rosa Parks on her desk at the same time. I graduated in 2013. So I can’t speak to any changes.
I do know that Professors are just as bad as internet citizens at cloistering themselves off from the opinions of the the general public.