
  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Sour cherry juice probably the most feequent. Though if there’s food, I’ll probably pick the food option.

    As for why, well, I don’t really go the bars for the drinks, but instead for the company, to talk with my friends and have fun. I buy a drink or food as “entrance fee” and I use the calories to keep me from starving. If there’s any fancy non-alcoholic/non-caffeinated drink (or food) I may pick it as a change. I also dislike alcohol and its culture which society tries to push so hard to everyone (especially younger people), thus it’s my way of acting agaist this. For me it doesnt taste well, it’s literary cancerous poison that helps mask social anxiety without solving the issue, only extending it and there are companies making huge profits by harming so many people out there. It’s sad. I want to be the one having fun, not alcohol. (Btw I’m not in favor of banning alcohol, this may only cause more issues. A proper approach would probably be to teach people for the issues and (possibly the hardest part) to have a better society without so many struggles which tend to push people to drink alcohol.)

    (I recently found out that there is a “straight edge” community inside punk community and I seem to kinda align with them :) (I’m not talking about the hardline community, I think this may not even be considered punk).)

    Lol, I don’t know if you expected a text-wall when asking this, but well, there you are.😅

  • @finishingDutch@lemmy.world @nogooduser@lemmy.world lol, you try to find logic. I’m Greek. This government almost constantly tries (and unfortunately manages…) to push measures using some very twisted logic. The main idea behind all these is that they are gonna profit from it. Also by keeping the people busy with work it’s gonna make it less likely to act against the government or even socialize with other people, thus worsening any unity among the people. And they mask it as a good measure.

    It’s the same people who tried to convince us that bringing private universities will be good, again using their illogical logic. (They pushed this during the winter exams so that students wouldn’t rise against, but fortunately the gov’s actions were met with huge resistance. Still, even after all this they passed the law…)

    This political party is trying very hard to dismantle Greece and take us years back years. And it’s their second term in a row… It’s their 5th year in power in a row and we have at least ~3 more years…

    Now it’s fire season, you can watch us as Greece will soon be burning literary and the gov will ~only try to evaccuate areas and blame it to the people instead of being proactive against wildfires (or combating them with proper means).🥲

  • I tend to wear them on public transportation:

    a) in my city I wear them because we have bad public transportation and people tend to be dangerously packed inside the buses (this issue recently has started to be alleviated), so to protect my self (and also show that things arent well inside) I wear the mask.

    b) in other foreign cities I wear the mask in public transportation because:

    1)I dont want to be sick on vacations

    2)Different countries probably(?) have kinda different strains of viruses and such, so it may be more dangerous for me.

  • the tags that Deemix gives you are usually pretty decent to start with

    Indeed! Deemix also gets tags that OneTagger currently doesnt fetch (Composer, Label, Author etc.).

    Genre (along with lyrics) are the tags that probably need most of the work. And because in OneTagger I’m using 3different platofroms (plus whatever deemix got) to fetch the genre tag, it can be a mess. Each platform may categorize songs differently and many times the program wont find a match for all platforms. I have to manually edit them all or create a bunch of different actions to automate this.

    You can keep tagging files ~forever and still not have them perfect… I just stop after when I think it’s good enough and I might start tagging them again at another time.

  • Lol, who wants these anyways. One more reason not to use google play services. (Though I have google play services on this phone.)

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